If anybody doubted that the #UN #COP talks had turned into a self-parody, check out who was named to lead #COP28: Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the CEO of a #UAE #oilcompany, the world's 12th biggest.
The question now is: who and how will an alternative #climateconference be organised, for all the actors actually committed to reducing #emissions? The question is in your court readers. #climateaction #fossilfuels #climatebreakdown
#un #cop #COP28 #uae #oilcompany #ClimateConference #emissions #ClimateAction #fossilfuels #climatebreakdown
At today's DWD #ClimateConference (15. #Klimatagung), I spoke about the 'socio-economic relevance of #ClimateServices for the #EnergySector' and illustrated the topic using examples from DWD's work activities.
#energysector #climateservices #klimatagung #ClimateConference
#Liberia one of 21 #African #countries to benefit from new #initiative to transform #energy markets
Launched today at the #UnitedNations #ClimateConference #COP27, the Africa #Minigrids Program (#AMP) is a country-led #technical assistance program that supports some of Africa’s poorest #communities.
#liberia #african #countries #initiative #energy #unitednations #ClimateConference #cop27 #minigrids #amp #technical #communities
Why? Well look at what happened after #COP26 (last year's #ClimateConference). In short... not enough
"Nearly 200 countries agreed to improve their emissions-cutting pledges (...) in time for #COP27, but only two dozen countries have so far done so" https://www.reuters.com/business/cop/cop26-year-later-where-do-last-years-climate-pledges-stand-2022-11-01/
#cop26 #ClimateConference #cop27