If the planet is to be saved its the richest that need to make the biggest changes in how they live but its the poorest who's lives will be most affected by the consequences of climate change. The richest also seem to tend to be the ones least interested in saving the planet beyond what money they can make from it.


#climatecrisis #ClimateCrisisAwareness

Last updated 2 years ago

Sabhrina Aninta · @sagitaninta
215 followers · 223 posts · Server ecoevo.social

If the pandemic teaches us anything, it is that we CAN live with limited supply of fossil fuel and all that fuss about people having a hard time with jobs and securing a decent living has more to do with the broken system that champions economic growth more than actual liveable society.

#ClimateCrisisAwareness #degrowth #humanityfirst

Last updated 2 years ago

LaminaJayne · @LaminaJayne
3 followers · 1 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

Okay, an . Who am I...

Superficially, I am a middle-aged white cis-gender woman. Under the surface... it's complicated.

I am an artist that struggles to make art. I suffer from chronic migraines and joint pain. I suffer from depression and anxiety, for which I am thankfully medicated. I've discovered I most likely have ADHD and may be autistic (though I'm not yet comfortable self-diagnosing out of respect for those who are ). I am asexual/demisexual and "pan-appreciative" (I can appreciate the attractiveness of all peoples, but I just don't feel sexual desire for them).

I love most things paranormal, supernatural, and "new age" because I desperately want there to be more to life than this mundane, soul-crushing reality. I'm an off-an-on avid reader, enjoying urban fantasy, sci-fi, high fantasy, police procedurals, cozy mysteries... I like a lot of different genres. Tell a good story and I'm into it. I love planners and bullet journaling, but I have yet to find planner peace.

I am fascinated by Forensic Science and Neuroscience and was in school continuing my education in those topics until recently. Unfortunately, health issues and financial circumstances have put that on hold for now. But I still love the topics.

I can probably think of more, but this already feels like a lot. Ask me anything though, if you're genuinely interested I'm pretty much an open book. :)

Some relevant hashtags (mostly copied from @JonxeHart):

#introduction #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #adhd #NEISVoid #ChronicIllness #chronicpain #DisabilityRights #DisabilityJustice #accessibility #MaskUp #BrainFog #asexual #GSRM #queer #BlackLivesMatter #ProChoice #diversity #equity #inclusion #justice #ClimateCrisisAwareness #TribalRights #cats #catmom #catparent #writer #art #artist #artsandculture #SciFi #horror #Science #neuroscience #forensic #PlannerAddict #witchy #paranormal #supernatural

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonxe Hart (they/them) · @JonxeHart
97 followers · 14 posts · Server neurodifferent.me