Let's have a webinar about how to save the climate! 😃
...via Zoom. 🤮
#ClimateDestruction #SurveillanceCapitalism #ClimateJustice #DataJustice
it's understandable that Alaska reps support the Willow drilling project,but it designates a large natural environment(size of Indiana)&continues deadly oil&gas decimation of our environment, climate&planet;
Aren't there other solutions?
Don't we want to stop #ClimateDestruction?
29.10. 15:45 22°C, sonnig
#klimazerstorung #ClimateDestruction #heisserherbst
#NeuHier #Introduction Dieser Fediverse-Account unterstützt #antiatom & #KlimaGerechtigkeit Bewegungen:
X Querstellen gegen #Atomkraft & #Klimazerstörung X
This fediverse-account supports #AntiNuclear & #ClimateJustice movements
X Put a foot down against #NuclearPower & #ClimateDestruction X
#NeuHier #Introduction #antiatom #KlimaGerechtigkeit #atomkraft #klimazerstörung #AntiNuclear #ClimateJustice #nuclearpower #ClimateDestruction