Louanne Cooley · @IcooIey
1086 followers · 227 posts · Server mastodon.green

So today birders are reporting a roseate spoonbill in a Connecticut coastal marsh. The avian equivalent of Saturday’s manatee in RI.


Last updated 1 year ago

Louanne Cooley · @IcooIey
1087 followers · 212 posts · Server mastodon.green

My friends brother just send her a video he took of a manatee* in Rhode Island. I know the ocean is unprecedentedly warm but wow!

*while they can occur up the east coast, normal range is Florida.


Last updated 1 year ago

Araucana🐓🌱 · @araucana
293 followers · 2568 posts · Server hessen.social

🥵Is das heiß da draußen.
Sitzstangen gekalkt, bissl Zaun frei gemäht, völlig kaputt. Mach jetzt Siesta - im hessischen Mittelgebirge im September wohlgemerkt.

Mai: zu trocken, Juni: viel zu heiß, Juli: ist das Monsun?, Anfang August: Mütze im Büro getragen weil kalt, weitere Starkregenfälle und jetzt September: es hängt wieder ein Omega fest. Aber immerhin sind die Trauben sehr lecker. Was vergessen?


Last updated 1 year ago

Duchess of Umbrage · @iBlame
1011 followers · 4636 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Goat of the Day: Martha, one of last year’s orphan triplets, panting in the ungodly heat and crispy grass. There’s a rumor that it’s gonna cool off next week, but after nearly 3 months of this Heat Dome crap, I’ll believe it when I feel it.

#goats #ClimateDiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
1066 followers · 822 posts · Server climatejustice.social

"Chasm between action and scientific reality laid bare in stocktake - Rise in global must be halted within two years to avoid the worst – and it can be done, says report"

"The chasm between the climate action being taken and the emissions cuts required is set out bluntly in the new “global stocktake” report from the UN, produced in collaboration with nations.

As it stands, nations will belch out about 22bn tonnes more carbon dioxide in 2030 than the climate can cope with if the global temperature rise is to be held to 1.5C and the worst impacts of the climate crisis are to be avoided. That 22bn tonnes that must be eliminated is equivalent to the combined emissions of the top five polluters today: , , , and .

Furthermore, the systemic transformation of every aspect of society that the report says is required needs to start kicking in quickly enough to halt the relentless rise of emissions seen since the Industrial Revolution within just two years."


#climate #un #emissions #china #us #India #russia #japan #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Klima #KlimaKrise #co2 #fossilfuels #industrialrevolution #ClimateDiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
1066 followers · 821 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Pathetic, really - "‘A critical moment’: warns world will miss targets unless phased out - Governments failing to cut fast enough to meet goals and avoid major report says
There is a “rapidly narrowing window” for governments to move faster, according to the report, as global greenhouse gas emissions must peak by 2025 at the latest, and be rapidly reduced from there, to limit temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.
Ani Dasgupta, the head of the World Resources Institute thinktank, noted that the bland tone of the report disguised a catastrophic failure. He said: “The UN’s polite prose glosses over what is a truly damning report card for global climate efforts.

“Carbon emissions? Still climbing. Rich countries’ finance commitments? Delinquent. Adaptation support? Lagging woefully behind. This report is a wake-up call to the injustice of the climate crisis, and a pivotal opportunity to correct course.”
Emissions are still rising, however, and there is a gap of 20 to 23 gigatonnes of between the cuts needed by 2030 to limit global temperatures to 1.5C and the world’s current emissions trajectory.

The report, which was expected next week but was published hurriedly in draft by the UN on Friday, will form the basis of the first “global stocktake” under the 2015 Paris agreement. That process is meant to track countries’ efforts to meet the goals of the treaty.

However, the 47-page UN report does not set out in detail which countries are falling behind, nor does it contain specific recommendations directed at particular countries or regions."


#un #climate #fossilfuels #emissions #parisagreement #disaster #co2 #GHG #GHGEmissions #ClimateCrisis #climatedisaster #ClimateEmergency #Klima #KlimaKrise #ClimateDiary #globalwarming

Last updated 1 year ago

jRm𝕏™ · @diarra
198 followers · 3012 posts · Server framapiaf.org
Emma Bee · @EmmaBirkett
91 followers · 342 posts · Server social.coop

Woken by the tawny owl at 4am but enjoying the first breakfast outside of the UK er "summer", joined by Blue, Great, Coal Tits, sparrow, Robin, Jackdaw. Bees on the native clover. Wonder if there are any old wives tales that work anymore since to predict what kind of autumn/winter is ahead. Just composted the smalls haircut hair-wrong time of year to leave it out for nest building?

#carbonchange #ClimateDiary #compostodon #birds #bees

Last updated 1 year ago

Thierna · @thierna
315 followers · 4315 posts · Server mastodon.green

Liebes ich freue mich, dass im September wieder Aktionstage sind.

Für einige Stunden gehören die Straßen in vielen Städten fröhlichen Kindern und ihren Eltern!

Vielleicht auch bei euch in der Nähe ? kinderaufsrad.org/

#ClimateDiary #kidicalmass #kinder #fahrrad #Fedieltern

Last updated 1 year ago

Thierna · @thierna
316 followers · 4310 posts · Server mastodon.green

Heute im - wenn wegen Wetterereignissen aus Sicherheitsgründen eine Ausgangssperre verhängt wird

"Wegen der schweren Unwetter in weiten Teilen Spaniens haben etwa 10.000 Menschen ihre Häuser und Wohnungen nicht verlassen dürfen. Für die katalanische Gemeinde Alcanar im Nordosten des Landes wurde aufgrund der Gefahr von schweren Überschwemmungen ein unbefristetes Ausgehverbot verhängt. "

Da kommt mir der eine oder andere Protest doch sehr harmlos vor.



Last updated 1 year ago

Ciara · @CiaraNi
1311 followers · 4348 posts · Server mastodon.green

“You see, this is another baseline that shifts over time. The lengths we’re willing to go. Each generation does what would have looked like fighting for a preposterous lost cause to the one before it and then each generation comes along anew and does a little bit more than that. And on it goes. Humanity strapping on the proverbial copulation hat again, and again, and again.”



Last updated 1 year ago

Corinna Balkow · @coba
38 followers · 137 posts · Server gruene.social

"In der hoffen wir vor allem auf die Abwendung der Katastrophe. Gibt es zu wenige positive Zukunftsbilder?

Blöser: Es gibt schon einige, nur schüren die oft falsche Hoffnungen. Auf rettende Technologie etwa, mit der wir das CO₂ bald einfach aus der Atmosphäre saugen. Solche Visionen wecken auch die Hoffnung, dass wir weiterleben und konsumieren können wie bisher. Und diese wiederum motiviert gar nicht"

#klimakrise #hoffnung #ClimateDiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
1067 followers · 818 posts · Server climatejustice.social

According to the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst), the summer of 2023 was the 27th (!) summer in a row that was too warm. It was 2.3 Celsius over the 1961 - 1990 reference period, and 1.0 C over the 1991 - 2020 reference period. (Press release in German)


#Klima #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #deutschland #wetter #sommer #sommer2023 #Deutschlandwetter #ClimateDiary #climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #heat #heatwave #summer #summer2023 #germany #Weather

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
1066 followers · 817 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Nach Deutscher Wetterdienst war der Sommer 2023 der 27. (!) zu warme Sommer in Folge. 2,3 Grad Celsius über die Referenzperiode 1961 - 1990, 1,0 Grad über die Referenzperiode 1991 - 2020.


"Von tropischer Hitze und frühherbstlicher Frische – Sommer mit großen Schwankungen
- Das lag im Sommer 2023 mit 18,6 Grad Celsius (°C) um 2,3 Grad über dem Wert der international gültigen Referenzperiode 1961 bis 1990 (16,3 °C) - der 27. zu warme Sommer in Folge. Im Vergleich zur aktuellen und wärmeren Vergleichsperiode 1991 bis 2020 (17,6 °C) betrug die Abweichung 1,0 Grad. Nach dem am 3.6. in Sohland an der Spree mit -0,7 °C der bundesweite Sommer-Tiefstwert ermittelt wurde, herrschte im weiteren Juniverlauf im Südwesten des Landes eine außergewöhnlich warme Witterung. Im Juli gesellten sich extreme Hitzepeaks hinzu, die am 15.7. bei 38,8 °C in Möhrendorf-Kleinseebach (Bayern) gipfelten. Daraufhin gab uns die erste Augustdekade einen Vorgeschmack auf den Herbst. Mitte August drehte das Thermostat wieder auf und in feuchter Luft wurde die Wärme zu einer großen Bürde. Mit Abschluss des Sommers kehrte die von Vielen ersehnte Abkühlung zurück."

#Klima #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #deutschland #wetter #sommer #sommer2023 #Deutschlandwetter #ClimateDiary #climate #ClimateCrisis #temperaturmittel

Last updated 1 year ago

Hey there!

and folks -

this is Climate Psychology Alliance of North America's new mastodon account -

There seem to be some CPA-NA bots and impersonators out there - but this is really us!

Please follow!

#climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateDiary #climatepsychology #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Ciara · @CiaraNi
1297 followers · 4298 posts · Server mastodon.green

The city’s new 1000 m2 mural champions the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is painted at the cruise ship quay. Every time I see a cruise ship towering over it, my brain starts to whimper.

#aarhus #ClimateDiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Ciara · @CiaraNi
1293 followers · 4277 posts · Server mastodon.green

Striking cloud formations, all the time, every day. All the weathers, all at once, all the time. All Summer, and now in Autumn.

I don't know whether to admire them or be nervous about them. That niggling question keeps nibbling at me: it this weather or is this climate change?

#aarhus #clouds #ClimateDiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2701 followers · 10107 posts · Server mastodon.green

Another dimension of suffering and daily struggle for homeless people in the US and elsewhere: trying to find shade.

Many are not well and do not even try and end up in the blazing sun and heat all day. We are in just now and it is all so utterly dystopian: everywhere, in the midst of everything else - the wealth, glamour, endless traffic - all this immense suffering, so many people struggling to survive.


#ClimateDiary #la #homeless

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2702 followers · 10086 posts · Server mastodon.green

deeply moving personal account by Sue Slatford of how her home in was demolished, very suddenly, due to . As Sue says, with and this will affect more and more of us - we have so much coastline in the UK and it won’t all be protected. This sentence reallt got me:

“There was no compensation and no counselling”


#ClimateDiary #norfolk #CoastalErosion #ClimateCrisis #sealevelrise

Last updated 1 year ago

Thierna · @thierna
315 followers · 4285 posts · Server mastodon.green

Okay this sounded like the moste made up joke "A crypto-mining company in Pennsylvania is seeking to burn tires to produce bitcoin." but it seems to be for real theguardian.com/us-news/2023/a


Last updated 1 year ago