The usual line from the #DirtyEnergy spokespeople elected to parliament is that Australia is too small a player for Oz energy policy to make any significant contribution to #ClimateDisruption.
It's always been a lie. Australia has always punched above its weight when it comes to climate responsibility, having the largest fossil fuel resources per capita in the world.
For years, courts have even largely accepted the government's 'drug dealer' defence when it comes to approving new coal and gas projects ("if we don't sell it, someone else will, who doesn't even have our standards!").
But if you want to see the lie laid bare, check this story. The mere possibility of temporary industrial action at a single Australian dirty energy company is already having global impacts on gas markets.
#Auspol #DirtyEnergyDirtyPolitics #climate #Woodside #ClimateLies #BlowingSmoke
#dirtyEnergy #ClimateDisruption #auspol #dirtyenergydirtypolitics #climate #woodside #climatelies #blowingsmoke
This is just the end of the beginning of #ClimateDisruption and the size of the anomalies is terrifying already.
We’ve been warned, again and again, and have so far done too little, too late #NoTimeToWaste #ClimateAction
#ClimateDisruption #NoTimeToWaste #ClimateAction
NEW ARTICLE in #ModernFarmer:
The salty truth? #ClimateDisruption will affect every part of our lives, including the salt in our food and on our roads. Here's how the effects of #ClimateChange are transforming life for salt farmers around the world.
Thank you to #Saltverk, #BigSurSalts, and #BarrierIslandSaltCo for speaking with me!
#SustainableLiving #SustainableFood #SustainableSalt #Sustainability
#modernfarmer #ClimateDisruption #ClimateChange #saltverk #bigsursalts #barrierislandsaltco #sustainableliving #SustainableFood #sustainablesalt #sustainability
Here we go again!
Once again, most states will participate in the silly ritual of setting clocks to ‘Daylight Savings Time’. Of course #DST does not increase or save daylight — but it does disrupt everyone's circadian rhythms, cause more traffic accidents, & waste massive amounts of energy that worsens climate disruption.
Thank our so-called leaders for helping to destroy the climate & leaving future generations to deal with the result.
#dst #DaylightSaving #climateemergency #ClimateDisruption
- Izquierdistas culpando a patriotas y forestales
- Patriotas culpando a mapuches y autogolpe venezolano
- Científicos viendo cómo se sigue desconociendo profunda gravedad del #CambioClimático
Será cada vez más frecuente e intenso
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateDisruption
#cambioclimatico #climatecrisis #ClimateDisruption
Inundaciones devastadoras en California, en vista aérea
Zonas con más de 630mm, 4x-6x promedio histórico
Esperan llegada de al menos 3 ríos atmosféricos más
#CaliforniaFloods #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDisruption
#californiafloods #climatecrisis #ClimateDisruption
Desastres naturales 2022 en EEUU:
US$165.000 MILLONES en daños, contando solo casos extremos >US$1.000MLL: huracanes, incendios, tornados, sequía y una feroz tormenta invernal.
#CambioClimático "supercargando" eventos:
>frecuencia >intensidad
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateDisruption #XR
#cambioclimatico #climatecrisis #ClimateDisruption #xr
Texas project to produce 'green hydrogen' from water
#hydrogen #climate #climateAction #climateDisruption #GlobalWarming
#hydrogen #climate #climateaction #ClimateDisruption #globalwarming
· 2m de nieve en 24 horas del 18 al 19 de diciembre 2022
· 3x nevazón normal
· 18 muertos, 123 heridos desde el 17/dic
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateDisruption
#climatecrisis #climateemergency #ClimateDisruption
@GreenFire Both/and? #DiversityOfTactics Yes, there's a clear and strong priority on ending the extraction of #fossilcarbon in all its forms from stable geosequestration. Agreed.
Yet reducing the acceleration of #ClimateDisruption via the unnecessary enhancement of #CO2 into #CH4 in an industry that exploits sentient #animals is also valuable, all the more so because doing so is necessary in the fights to stop #deforestation and the loss of carbon-sequestering #wetlands.
The situation is too dire to ditch allies by insisting on a single approach. However, if you were just talking about your own focus, that's completely understandable, and I've also put basically all my efforts towards the urgent necessity to #LeaveItInTheGround. #EndCoal #EndFossilGas #JustStopOil #EndFossilFuelSubsidies
#diversityoftactics #fossilcarbon #ClimateDisruption #co2 #ch4 #animals #deforestation #wetlands #leaveItInTheGround #endcoal #EndFossilGas #juststopoil #EndFossilFuelSubsidies
Q. How much will it cost to stop catastrophic #climatedisruption?
A. Far less than you probably expect.
If you look at the budgets of oil and gas companies (#dirtyenergy), and look at *just* the amounts allocated to their expansion plans over the next decade (not including the costs of running their current wells, rigs and pipelines, nor the record-profits they are delivering to #billionaire owners, nor the billions they spend on their ongoing #climatedisinformationcampaign), this amount earmarked for unnecessary expansion is larger than the cost required to implement sufficient #renewableenergy (including energy storage) to keep global warming to #+1.5ºC.
There is more required than the transition of stationary energy sources, but this is a massive part of the issue, and completely affordable for everyone. The only real drawback is that the current crop of billionaires make less profit. (And a tiny fraction of workers globally employed by oil and gas would need to re-train, but that needs to happen anyway.)
Source: "Navigating Energy Transitions" report from IISD, 2022, discussed in this very insightful video (I've linked to the relevant section, but the whole thing is worth watching):
#ClimateDisruption #dirtyEnergy #billionaire #climatedisinformationcampaign #renewableenergy
#COP27 #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDisruption
Cartoon: Arend van Dam
'Back in 2022 they held a #UN #ClimateSummit here"
#cop27 #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #ClimateDisruption #un #climatesummit