4 years of fasting on Fridays for the climate crisis. 4 years of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the climate emergency.
#degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #Wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow
#flyingless #drivingless #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #fasting #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #flyingless #drivingless #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #fasting #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Proud to present the ALECC call-for-papers for our conference June 19-22, 2024, with the theme of "Migrations"!
Please boost and share widely among your colleagues if possible.
#academia #conference #AcademicConference #ecocriticism #environmentalism #migration #emigration #borders #ClimateMigration #refugees #scholarship #humanities #research #CFP #CallForPapers @academicchatter @waterlooregion
#academia #conference #academicconference #ecocriticism #environmentalism #migration #emigration #borders #ClimateMigration #refugees #scholarship #humanities #research #cfp #callforpapers
Week 207 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 207 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency.
#MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #Wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #wildfire #wildfires #flood #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
- Still haven't got to it, but I've earmarked this special issue on climate change and migration from
addressing past, present, and future of #climatemigration
It includes case studies from 6 countries/regions and two global analysis: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/migration-information-source/special-issue-climate-change-and-migration
Week 206 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 206 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency. The more obvious it becomes that lives are being affected by wildfires, floods, and famine, the more the fossil fuel industry will likely extract to increase profits before their industry collapses. Profit panic that magnifies the burning of fossil fuels exacerbates short and long-term harm. The more disasters we see, the more vigilant we need to be about demanding an end to this industry.
#Hawaiiwildfire #Mauiwildfire #Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #Yellowknife #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #hawaiiwildfire #mauiwildfire #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #yellowknife #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Week 205 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 205 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency. What we’re seeing is just the beginning. If fossil fuel burning doesn’t end, these brutal, harsh, life-threatening climate events will only escalate. It’s going to take a lot more people speaking up and taking action to make this stop. Together we can change the future, if we act in solidarity and quickly enough.
#Hawaiiwildfire #Mauiwildfire #Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #hawaiiwildfire #mauiwildfire #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Week 204 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 204 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency.
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Week 203 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 203 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency.
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalheating #globalboiling #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Week 202 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 202 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency.
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#Ecological #restoration #projects, attempts to undo the damage of #climatedisasters, #pollution, and unchecked #humandevelopment. But securing #seeds for the #plants that are #native to particular regions — that have #adapted to #local #soils and #climate conditions over many years — has become a surprisingly challenging hurdle to overcome.
#ecological #restoration #projects #climatedisasters #pollution #humandevelopment #seeds #plants #native #adapted #local #soils #climate #rewilding #benignneglegt #ClimateMigration
Week 201 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 201 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency. Global heating is breaking global records. If you're looking for a higher purpose, plus a way to cope with these unprecedented changes, climate activism has brought me both. We need a lot more climate activists. Everyone is welcome and everybody is needed!
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateStrike #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
This is one of the most interesting papers I've read on how we frame #communications when we discuss #climatemigration
Does anyone know about similar investigations?
#communications #ClimateMigration
Week 200 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 200 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency. Photo of #climatestrike followed by a walk in the park to visit a lake and waterfall.
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climatechange #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateStrike #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
War fought with pronouns.
Does Climate touch us, or them?
They're us other days.
#haiku #senryu #poem #climate #ClimateDenial #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Linguistics #Pronouns
#SeaLevel #SeaLevelRise #ClimateMitigation #ClimateMigration #Thailand
#haiku #senryu #poem #climate #ClimateDenial #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #linguistics #pronouns #sealevel #sealevelrise #climatemitigation #ClimateMigration #Thailand
199 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 199 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency. Right after I took these photos by the window, this lovely creature knocked on my window with its antlers!
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climate #climatechange #ClimateStrike #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateStrike #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
198 of fasting on Fridays for the #ClimateCrisis. Week 198 of striking from working and shopping on Fridays for the #ClimateEmergency.
#Wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climate #climatechange #ClimateStrike #ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #Earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #wildfire #wildfires #wildfirescanada #mindthegap #UprootTheSystem #degrowth #globalwarming #globalheating #heatwaves #floods #ClimateMigration #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateStrike #ClimateAction #climateactionnow #ClimateJustice #ClimateJusticeNow #earth #environment #FridaysForFuture #Friday #fridays #intermittentfasting #savetheplanet #savetheearth #savetheocean #savethebees #savethetrees
Europe’s Mindset on Climate Migration Must Change
#World #Environment #Politics #ClimateChange #EqualRights #AsylumSeekers #ClimateChangePolicy #ClimateMigration #ClimateRefugees #Europe #EUImmigrationPolicy #Change
#world #environment #politics #climatechange #equalrights #asylumseekers #climatechangepolicy #ClimateMigration #ClimateRefugees #europe #euimmigrationpolicy #change
RT @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
Countless of people are having to flee because of the climate crisis. The time to act is now. We need to get informed, speak up on climate justice and migrant justice, and support vital organizations like @UNmigration@twitter.com #ClimateMigration
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1618891755398778880
Climate change makes people too poor to migrate. https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/stuck-2013-climate-change-makes-people-too-poor-to-migrate
#ClimateMigration #humanmigration #climaterefugee #NMFG
Some feel Climate's wrath,
Others skate unaffected
'til knocks at the door.
#haiku #poem #ClimateMigration #climate