56 Million-Year-Old Eocene Global Warming May Indicate A Wetter Future
https://phys.org/news/2023-06-million-year-old-eocene-global-wetter-future.html <-- shared technical article
https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2022PA004542 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #modeling #model #climatechange #data #climatemodeling #Eocene #global #DeepMIP #wetanddry #water #hydrology #rainfall #precipitation #projections #hydroclimate #subtropics #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #future #experience #events #globalwarming #extremeweather #seasonality #ecosystems
#gis #spatial #mapping #modeling #model #climatechange #data #ClimateModeling #eocene #global #deepmip #wetanddry #water #hydrology #rainfall #precipitation #projections #hydroclimate #subtropics #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #future #experience #events #globalwarming #extremeweather #seasonality #ecosystems
Climate Change Is Increasing The Risk Of A California Megaflood
https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abq0995 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #California #climatechange #flood #flooding #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #megaflood #extremeweather #storms #precipitation #rainfall #climate #weather #climatemodeling #weathermodeling #LENS #CommunityEarthSystemModelLargeEnsemble #risk #hazard #runoff #mitigation #planning #riskassessment #riskanalysis #riskmanagement #climateadaptation #emergencymanagement #data #community #publicsafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #California #climatechange #flood #flooding #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #megaflood #extremeweather #storms #precipitation #rainfall #climate #weather #ClimateModeling #weathermodeling #lens #communityearthsystemmodellargeensemble #risk #hazard #runoff #mitigation #planning #riskassessment #riskanalysis #riskmanagement #climateadaptation #emergencymanagement #data #community #publicsafety
#Grist: Just how good were #Exxon’s #ClimateProjections?
A recent review of dozens of internal Exxon documents from the 1970s and ‘80s, found company scientists knew a lot more than the basics of what greenhouse gasses were doing to the planet.
Jesse Nichols
#ClimateChange #ClimateModeling #Uncertainty #BigOil #Misinformation
#Grist #exxon #climateprojections #climatechange #ClimateModeling #uncertainty #bigoil #misinformation
Exciting news for our #ALCF and #OLCF #INCITE proposal!
With colleagues from Argonne National Laboratory, we will be working on “Convection-Permitting Climate-Scale Simulations for Extreme Event Modeling".
The results from this work will provide a unique database for Climate Risk Estimates at Local Scales.
#HPC #CFD #AI #Climate #ClimateModeling #Turbulence #Convection
#ALCF #OLCF #INCITE #hpc #cfd #ai #climate #ClimateModeling #turbulence #Convection