I'm leading this free LARP walkshop Walking In The Shoes in the green ridge of #norwich including the site of Kett's Rebellion, an ancient forest, an old gasworks & the 1st non-conformist cemetery in England #PossitopiaNorwich #ClimateMuseumUK https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/walking-in-the-shoes-tickets-648055349997
#norwich #PossitopiaNorwich #ClimateMuseumUK
Thinking about how we design communications & narratives about the Earth crisis. I'm assuming participatory & questioning approaches work best and that time & reiteration are vital. Not quick hits that leave people confused & resistant. Theorising that we need to spend more time on causes & solutions, less on impacts. Suggesting something like the design diamond, open-close-open-close. An increasing integration of sense, emotion, idea & action. #CultureTakesAction #ClimateMuseumUK
#CultureTakesAction #ClimateMuseumUK
Read more about the Emerging Practitioners programme here, that includes a link to the crowdfunder to support it. #ClimateMuseumUK #CultureTakesAction https://climatemuseumuk.org/2022/09/06/emerging-practitioners-programme/
#ClimateMuseumUK #CultureTakesAction
Getting more rooted into #Norwich as the base for my
practice. Planning a #PeopleTakeAction workshop. Delivering an #ImagineFutures workshop for schools tomorrow. This is #ImaginationActivism & #RegenerativeCulture applied to a City. #CultureTakesAction
#norwich #ClimateMuseumUK #peopletakeaction #imaginefutures #imaginationactivism #regenerativeculture #CultureTakesAction
@clockwooork yes! That’s just how i feel. It’s such a problem in itself that the weather is (usually) silent and in the background and not news or comment worthy. A climate mass observation project (like Sussex university did in 1940s) might be useful - both data and emotion wise. Just remembered, #ClimateMuseumUK are doing something like this I think - I keep on meaning to find out more and get involved
I've created a simple website for #PossitopiaNorwich, a programme that is part of Climate Museum UK's activities in Norfolk. It includes three pilot 'walkshops' you can book onto. #Norwich #ClimateHeritage #RegenerativePlaces #Possitopia #ClimateMuseumUK https://bit.ly/possitopia-norwich
#ClimateMuseumUK #Possitopia #RegenerativePlaces #ClimateHeritage #norwich #PossitopiaNorwich