Good read from Saleemul Huq titled: "The whos and hows of allocating loss and damage funds" that addresses questions on the loss and damage funding mechanism that was agreed to by countries at COP27 #LossAndDamage #climatefinance #ClimateNegotiations
#ClimateNegotiations #climatefinance #LossAndDamage
Breaking question, and the right question!?
The #climatenegotiations have fail because the have being hiked by polluters and their lobbies, are we going to let the same thing happend in this negotiations for the plastic agreement? #INC1 day 1 #PlasticsTreaty #wmg
#ClimateNegotiations #inc1 #plasticstreaty #wmg
Very good question!
The #climatenegotiations have fail because the have being hiked by polluters and their lobbies, are we going to let the same thing happend in this negotiations for the plastic agreement? #INC1 day 1 #PlasticsTreaty #wmg
#wmg #plasticstreaty #inc1 #ClimateNegotiations
Due to the worsening #ClimateCrisis, every year there're more and more devastating #ExtremeWeatherEvents, wreaking havoc in the Global South. On the other hand, since wealthier countries have once again failed to deliver the $100 million for #Adaptation they pledged. #ClimateFinance has never before been more necessary.
That's why developing countries are strongly pushing for more finance at #COP27, not just for mitigation and adaptation but also for #LossAndDamage.
Unfortunately, last week there was little progress in these contendious issues at #ClimateNegotiations at COP27.
For more:
#ClimateCrisis #ExtremeWeatherEvents #adaptation #climatefinance #cop27 #lossanddamage #ClimateNegotiations
Due to the worsening #ClimateCrisis, every year there're more and more devastating #ExtremeWeatherEvents, wreaking havoc in the Global South. On the other hand, since wealthier countries have once again failed to deliver the $100 million they pledged in 2010. #ClimateFinance has never before been more necessary.
That's why developing countries are strongly pushing for more finance at #COP27 this year, not just for #Mitigation and #Adaptation but also for #LossAndDamage.
Unfortunately, last week there was little progress in these contendious issues at #ClimateNegotiations. Fortunately there's still one week left to make them #PayUp4LossAndDamage.
For more:
#ClimateCrisis #ExtremeWeatherEvents #climatefinance #cop27 #mitigation #adaptation #lossanddamage #ClimateNegotiations #PayUp4LossandDamage