This is a great article in the THE by Phillip Gramlich and Karin Bodewits - Why don’t universities practise what they preach on climate? "Overheated buildings, meat-heavy menus and solar-panel-free roofs are not a good example"
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateResearch #ClimateChangePolicies #universities
#universities #climatechangepolicies #ClimateResearch #climatecrisis
#ClimateResearch: Making #WeatherForecasts more precise and more efficient. KIT Scientist Julian Quinting receives an ERC Starting Grant.
#ClimateResearch #weatherforecasts
Visiting the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) in Hamburg
Yesterday, I had an opportunity to visit the German Climate Computing Centre (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum - DKRZ) here in Hamburg to learn more about their research and tour their data center.
They recently installed a new supercomputer named HLRE-4 Levante, a
#Uncategorized #climateresearch #linux #presentation #storage
#uncategorized #ClimateResearch #linux #presentation #storage
Visiting the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) in Hamburg
Yesterday, I had an opportunity to visit the German Climate Computing Centre (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum - DKRZ) here in Hamburg to learn more about their research and tour their data center.
#ClimateResearch #linux #presentation #storage
Please boost this question to reach academic and industry connections here working in climate resilience (and TIA)!
I’m interested in pursuing doctoral level research related to my work in architecture and climate. I have two clear paths open right now: DBA (Doctor of Business Admin) and PhD. Either could be part time and online while I am working full time as an architect (see #DayJob) and my goal would be to stay on the industry side, not to go into teaching full time, although I am interested in some teaching and research. Do you know anyone who is doing climate resilience research and work in architecture and planning who ties the for-profit business / non-profit / IGO/ NGO admin aspects in? I would love to connect and I have a million questions! Thank you.
#dayjob #adaptivereuse #architects #ClimateAction #ClimateResearch #climateresilience #DBA #doctorate #igo #ngo #phd #planning #research #sealevelrise #UnitedNations #urbanplanning #womeninarchitecture #WomenInSTEAM #womeninstem