I ettermiddag er det markering for klimarettferdighet og støtte til ofrene for klimakatastrofen i Pakistan https://www.facebook.com/events/765816854681120/ Attac er tilsluttet, vi oppfordrer alle i nærheten av Oslo til å stille! #ClimateSolidarity #ClimateJustice
#ClimateSolidarity #climatejustice
Midt i en flomkrise må Pakistan betjene utenlandsgjelda si. Klimarettferdighet må innebære at vi sletter gjelda skriver i vi i @Dagsavisen@twitter.com sammen med @slettgjelda@twitter.com https://www.dagsavisen.no/debatt/2022/09/14/slett-gjelda-til-klimaofrene-na/ #ClimateSolidarity #ClimateJustice
#ClimateSolidarity #climatejustice
RT @DebtforClimate
Solidarity with Pakistan from the Democratic Republic of Congo! We ask for the cancellation of the foreign debts contracted by Pakistan and the repair of the damage caused to the Pakistani people!
#ClimateReparationsForPakistan #PakistanIsOurStory #ClimateSolidarity
RT @Karl_Andreasson
🔥From climbers and kayakers blocking fossilgas, to the climate strikes demanding change from politicians, Stockholm stood in #climatesolidarity with the people affected by the floods in Pakistan, joining the global day of action #PakistanIsOurStory.
#ClimateSolidarity #PakistanIsOurStory
Pakistan is our story, climate crisis our time, solidarity is our power!
#PakistanIsOurStory #ClimateReparationsForPakistan #EndFossilNow #FloodinPakistan #ClimateSolidarity
RT @is_our_story
We call out to everyone to go to the streets on 9th September in solidarity with communities affected by the floods in Pakistan.
#ClimateReparationsForPakistan #EndFossilNow
#FloodinPakistan #ClimateSolidarity
#PakistanIsOurStory #ClimateReparationsForPakistan #EndFossilNow #FloodinPakistan #ClimateSolidarity
RT @ExtinctionR_DE
Pakistan ist unsere Geschichte, die Klimakrise unsere Zeit und Solidarität unsere Stärke!
Alle Infos auf: https://this-is-our-story.org/
#PakistanIsOurStory #ClimateSolidarity #endfossilfuels
RT @ExtinctionR_DE
Wir rufen alle Personen dazu auf, direkte Aktionen gegen fossile Infrastruktur oder finanzielle Institutionen, welche fossile Infrastruktur unterstützen, oder Massendemonstrationen zu organisieren.
#ClimateSolidarity #pakistanfloods