Register today for our next SFU CED Public Lecture.
Derek Leahy, Director of Rural Routes to Climate Solutions, covers the various strategies Rural Routes uses in having what many may view as a challenging conversation in a perhaps unlikely place: climate solutions in rural Alberta. Please register today and share with your network.
Date & Time: Thursday September 21, noon - 1pm PT, on Zoom
Register here:
#communityeconomicdevelopment #ruraldevelopment #climatesolutions
#communityeconomicdevelopment #ruraldevelopment #ClimateSolutions
Via @jvipondmd “Rather than risking our future on expensive, unproven technologies, we need to stop #FossilFuel expansion and make way for long-term #ClimateSolutions.”
As transportation is right up there with electricity and heat for the sectors responsible for the most emissions globally, this news from China is heartening:
“China reaches peak gasoline in milestone for electric vehicles”:
Transport efficiency next!
#ClimateLiteracy #ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions
Anxious and discouraged about climate change? If you live in an American city or town, you may have more power than you think to shape the future of where you live and its GHG emissions
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions #Sustainability #NIMBY #YIMBY #Urbanism #Arizona
#climatecrisis #ClimateSolutions #sustainability #nimby #yimby #urbanism #arizona
start building up your heat tolerance, folks :a_thisisfine:
#sillymedia #ClimateSolutions #climatecrisis
Your body can build up tolerance to sporadic global agricultural blight. Here's how.
Your body can build up tolerance to a regional deficiency in potable water sources. Here's how.
[Paywall] Editorial: #Wind and #solar are saving #ERCOT this summer. When will #Texas leaders embrace them?
Express-News Editorial Board
July 27, 2023
"In case you missed it, Pablo Vegas, CEO of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, recently said #renewables have been a lifeline for the power grid as it meets record-breaking demand during long stretches of triple-digit heat. The extra power capacity has reduced mandatory conservation notices and rolling #blackouts."
#wind #Solar #ERCOT #texas #renewables #blackouts #ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions
I think they should try and get this built a lot sooner -- maybe by 2030? I suppose 2025 is unrealistic given the scope of the project...
#Maine lawmakers pass bill to jolt state's offshore #wind industry
Reuters, July 26, 2023
"Lawmakers in Maine on Wednesday passed legislation that would set a 3-gigawatt target for offshore wind deployment off the state's scenic coastline by 2040, a level that could satisfy half of its 1.3 million residents' power needs.
"The bill would help the New England state meet Governor #JanetMills' proposed goal for a decarbonized power grid by 2040 and provide a substantial boost to nascent floating wind turbine technology required in the deep waters of the Gulf of Maine."
#Renewables #OffshoreWind #WindPower #ClimateChange #ClimateSolutions
#maine #wind #janetmills #renewables #Offshorewind #windpower #ClimateChange #ClimateSolutions
Eating less meat 'like taking 8m cars off road'
#environment #ClimateSolutions
Here are 2 gift articles from the Washington Post dealing with #ClimateSolutions that are worth the read.
“Which food is better for the planet?”
“Six steps the world can take to halt climate change”
If you are interested in #ClimateSolutions then you really should visit:
“The World’s Leading Resource for Climate Solutions”
Project Drawdown’s mission is to help the world stop climate change—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.
Scottsdale in Arizona has forbidden the planting of new grass lawns. The rule applies to single-family homes built after August 15 and comes after an informal poll found 86% of locals in favor
RT @CEIBois: Keith Fryer @CEIBois Board Member & Trade WG Chair is speaking today in Sweden at the Conference on Wooden Construction for CO2 emissions reduction in the building sector @EU_EESC @sweden2023eu #timberconstruction #climatesolutions
#timberconstruction #ClimateSolutions
To fight #ClimateChange, energy has to become sustainable.
From floating offshore wind turbines to green hydrogen, surf the wave of innovative energy technologies in our #ClimateSolutions podcast
#ClimateChange #ClimateSolutions
♻️The way we use resources is wasteful.
Digitalisation is stepping up the #CircularEconomy climate solutions game: it helps trace the materials used in a product and reintroduce it into the supply chain.
Learn how in our #ClimateSolutions podcast
#CircularEconomy #ClimateSolutions
Podcast What On Earth with Laura Lynch, From beaches to backyards, #Gardens as #ClimateSolutions. Helping #shellfish survive #ExtremeHeat with #IndigenousKnowledge and western science. How to plant your backyard or balcony garden to benefit #biodiversity and decolonize the landscape. And lessons from Australia on protecting your #health during #ClimateEmergencies. #IndigenousFlowers #bees #seafood
#gardens #ClimateSolutions #shellfish #extremeheat #indigenousknowledge #biodiversity #health #climateemergencies #indigenousflowers #bees #seafood
Boeing bets on L.A. startup Equatic’s carbon removal tech with massive CO2 credit, hydrogen deal #climatesolutions #hydrogen
#ProtectTheOceans #BeneathTheSurfaceLiesTheFuture "#MarineProtectedAreas as #ClimateSolutions: How MPAs support #climateresilience, mitigation and adaptation"
#protecttheoceans #beneaththesurfaceliesthefuture #marineprotectedareas #ClimateSolutions #climateresilience
Learning about climate change leads to #climatesolutions.
When it comes to the #ClimateEmergency - It is not hopeless & we, the people are not helpless!
This must see short film: “Wake Up, Freak Out – then Get a Grip” tells us that “preventing run-away Global Warming is the single most important task in all of human history - and it is up to us to do it. If we don’t then everything else we have achieved in our lives will become meaningless”!
The United nation says: “Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use, the food we eat, and the things we buy, we can make a difference.”
It’s up to us – WE,THE PEOPLE to save planet Earth by becoming #ClimateConsumers who actively mitigate global warming by our daily choices of who we donate to, vote for, invest/divest/bank in; what we buy, eat, drive/pedal; to degasifying & electrifying everything; reduce, reuse, recycle; & consume less.
Greta Thunberg @gretathunberg says - “Politicians are not coming to the rescue of planet Earth” & “Saving the world is voluntary…we need billions of #climate activists”
Robert Reich @rbreich Says “A handful of billionaires now have unprecedented control over banking, the food we eat, the health care we can access and, now, the information we receive…”
#ClimateSolutions #ClimateEmergency #climateconsumers #climate