All you need to know about Carbon Capture and Storage in one minute.
(Climate Town)
#JustStopOil #FossilFuels #OilAndGas #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateTown
#ClimateTown #climatecrisis #climatechange #oilandgas #fossilfuels #JustStopOil
If you have heard complaints about “minimum parking requirements”, but aren't sure what the issue is, just made a great video explaining the situation, some history, and how it hurts businesses and makes things more expensive for all of us:
#ClimateTown #Parking #Infrastructure #CarInfrastructure #CarCentrism
#ClimateTown #parking #infrastructure #carinfrastructure #carcentrism
Great video from Climate Town on Parking Minimums in the U.S.
While a lot of it will be familiar to urbanists and transportation advocates, I appreciated the screenshots of the ITE Parking Generation Manual, and the dive into the unscientific roots of parking minimums.
The TLDW is that a few places guessed at what made sense, and then other places copied without evaluating outcomes.
#cities #parking #ClimateChange #StrongTowns #ClimateTown #NotJustBikes
#cities #parking #climatechange #strongtowns #ClimateTown #notjustbikes
From #ClimateTown
"I'm aware you didn't have 'watch a punishingly long video about parking' on your agenda today, but what parking law lacks in excitement, it makes up for in being so blunt-force head trauma stupid, that once you learn about it, you won't be able to unsee the damage it's done."
#ClimateTown #parking #freeparking #shoupistas
Your Food is Lying To You: A really great video talking about the bullshit that is expiration dates.
#climate #globalwarming #climatechaos #ClimateTown #video
I organized/picked up/cooked/delivered/served/cleaned up for #FoodNotBombs in the late 90s here in #Portland and this was a well-known concept to me then, but glad to see #ClimateTown back it up with citations rather than some anecdata told to me by a old British dude that ran a #crust #punk #record / #zine #distro.
Pull quote: “we (the United States of America) waste enough food, to feed every food insecure person seven meals a day”
#distro #zine #record #punk #crust #ClimateTown #portland #foodnotbombs
Your Food Is Lying To You | Climate Town
#news #politics #retail #food #climatetown #capitalism #foodwaste #climatechange
#news #politics #retail #food #ClimateTown #capitalism #foodwaste #climatechange That #ExpirationDate on your #food is lying to you! #ClimateTown a deep dive on the labeled dates on your groceries.
#ClimateTown #Food #expirationdate
@newts I love Climate Town. It’s one of the best channels on YouTube. Note: the Discord invite link in the description is broken as it has a parenthesis tagged onto the end of it. It should be: #ClimateTown
Last Friday night was -25C (-13F). This coming Friday, a high of 13C (55F). Almost a 40C (68F) swing in 7 days
#weather #WeatherIsHappening #maWX #ClimateChange #ClimateTown
#weather #weatherishappening #mawx #climatechange #ClimateTown
The Troll Army of Big Oil | Climate Town
#politics #climatetown #climatechange #fossilfuels #bigoil #astroturfing
#politics #ClimateTown #climatechange #FossilFuels #bigoil #astroturfing
The Troll Army of Big Oil | Climate Town
Rollie Williams with an expose on big oil troll farms #climatetown
Nur zur Erklärung:
* Wasserstoff: Ist in Herstellung und Transport extrem teuer. Studie um Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass er ein Nischenprodukt sein wird. Notwendig für weniges, aber auch nur dort, wo's nicht anders geht. Wo er sicher nicht gebraucht wird: Autos und Wohnungen heizen.
* Fusion: Kernfusion bietet prinzipiell ein großes Energiepotential. Kommen nur so lästige Dinge hinzu wie: Sie ist absolut im Forschungsstadium. Die Kernreaktion selbst mag eine positive Energiebilanz haben, die Anlage als ganzes (NIF) hat aber vielleicht 1% Ausbeute. Wir sind also weit weg vom ersten Energie produzierenden Prototypen. Und von der Kernspaltung wissen wir, dass es selbst vom ersten Energie produzierenden Prototypen noch ohne weiteres 10 Jahre dauern dürfte, bis ein erster Reaktor läuft.
* CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage ist nichts anderes als die Verklappung von CO2 im Boden. Sie ist unwirtschaftlich (vgl. letztes #ClimateTown Video) und riskant. Aber vor allem: unwirtschaftlich.