« The @KlimaSeniorin Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti comments: ”The fact that my country is acting in such a way on such an essential issue – the protection of human rights in light of unfolding climate breakdown– completely amazes me.'
#CarbonBudget #FairShare #ClimateTrials »
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#CarbonBudget #fairshare #ClimateTrials
« Today the Swiss Senior Women for Climate protection @klimaseniorin answered their government’s last minute submission at the @ECHR_CEDH, announced just before the hearing 😤
A thread 👇
#ClimateTrials #ClimateJustice #KlimaSeniorinnen https://t.co/vquaskI1tC »
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#ClimateTrials #climatejustice #klimaseniorinnen
Vom #Mut zum #Widerstand - die Sendung #Kulturplatz von @srfkultur berichtet über den Kampf der @KlimaSeniorin um #Klimagerechtigkeit.
#ClimateJustice #ClimateTrials
#mut #widerstand #Kulturplatz #klimagerechtigkeit #climatejustice #ClimateTrials
« ⬇🧵Marc Willers KC (@mwillersqc) represented the Swiss Senior Women at the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (@ECHR_CEDH), as part of an international legal team. #ClimateJustice #ClimateTrials🌍
Read more: http://bit.ly/40JxR3w »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/gardencourtlaw/status/1643639641789087746
#climatejustice #ClimateTrials
« Unsere Solidarität gilt den @KlimaSeniorin die heute vor dem @ECHR_CEDH unsere #Menschenrechte in der #Klimakrise verteidigen!
Danke für euer Engagement ❤️🌍 #Klimagerechtigkeit
#climatejustice! #ClimateTrials @Greenpeace https://t.co/RA7wW7Ky0v »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Amnesty_Schweiz/status/1640998383799156737
#menschenrechte #klimakrise #klimagerechtigkeit #climatejustice #ClimateTrials
« .@ennhri & @JennySandvig #humanrights lawyer say states have important duties to protect human rights from the threats of the climate crisis.
#ClimateTrials #ClimateJustice #KlimaSeniorinnen »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1640998174599806976
#humanrights #ClimateTrials #climatejustice #klimaseniorinnen
« @mwillersqc The Irish government says states should be left to decide their own climate policies and the Court shouldn’t tell them how to deal with threats to human rights from climate change.
#ClimateTrials #ClimateJustice #KlimaSeniorinnen »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1640997277123719168
#ClimateTrials #climatejustice #klimaseniorinnen
« Happening now: The @KlimaSeniorin lining up in front of the European Court of Human Rights @ECHR_CEDH in Strasbourg 👵🧓👩🦳
They took their government, Switzerland, to Court because their lives and health are threatened by heat waves, fueled by climate change.
#ClimateTrials https://t.co/xjy1GbqwHa »
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« Heute geht's los: Am Europäischen Gerichtshof für #Menschenrechte in Strassburg wird die Klage der @KlimaSeniorin gegen die Schweizer Regierung behandelt 💪👵
Unser Newsbeitrag ⏩ https://www.klima-allianz.ch/beitrag/klimaseniorinnen-klagen-gegen-schweizer-regierung/ @greenpeace_ch #KlimaSeniorinnen #ClimateTrials #ClimateJustice https://t.co/DC8tn2CrD8 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/KlimaAllianzCH/status/1640959635367641088
#menschenrechte #klimaseniorinnen #ClimateTrials #climatejustice
« Happening now: The @KlimaSeniorin lining up in front of the European Court of Human Rights @ECHR_CEDH in Strasbourg 👵🧓👩🦳
They took their government, Switzerland, to Court because their lives and health are threatened by heat waves, fueled by climate change.
#ClimateTrials https://t.co/xjy1GbqwHa »
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Det borde inte ta tre månader att skriva:
”Det är helt korrekt. Vi har absolut inte gjort tillräckligt.”
Det räcker så.👇
Nacka Tingsrätt har idag utfärdat stämning i Auroramålet. Staten får nu tre månader på sig att svara på vår stämningsansökan.
See you in court.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ParHolmgren/status/1638167869618810882
Det borde inte ta tre månader att skriva:
”Det är helt korrekt. Vi har absolut inte gjort tillräckligt.”
Det räcker så.👇
RT @auroramalet
Nacka Tingsrätt har idag utfärdat stämning i Auroramålet. Staten får nu tre månader på sig att svara på vår stämningsansökan.
See you in court.
Die 🇨🇭 muss mehr tun in Sachen #Klimaschutz, um ihr Recht auf Leben und Gesundheit zu schützen - das sagen die @KlimaSeniorin
⬇️ Erfahren Sie mehr! ⬇️
#klimaschutz #climatejustice #ClimateTrials
« Es geht los! Klimagerechtigkeit jetzt.
Am 29.03. findet die Anhörung unserer #Klimaklage vor der Grossen Kammer des @ECHR_CEDH statt. Wir freuen uns, wenn viele Frauen mit uns nach Strassburg kommen, um uns zu unterstützen.
#ClimateTrials #ClimateJustice »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/KlimaSeniorin/status/1631206910258032640
#klimaklage #ClimateTrials #climatejustice
Die Klage der @KlimaSeniorin wird als erste #Klimaklage vor dem @ECHR_CEDH öffentlich verhandelt. Und zwar am 29.03.
#klimaklage #ClimateTrials #climatejustice
« The Grand Chamber of the @ECHR_CEDH will hear our case as the first one March 29 in the morning 🙌.
All in all three cases will serve as precedent to determine states responsibilities to mitigate the #ClimateChange
#ClimateJustice https://twitter.com/greenpeace_ch/status/1623972540510265345 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/KlimaSeniorin/status/1625762016425041920
#climatechange #ClimateTrials #climatejustice
RT @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
School strike week 223. Today we are 636 young people in @auroramalet@twitter.com who are suing the Swedish state for insufficient climate action. Therefore we now marched from the parliament to the court.
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #Aurora #ClimateTrials #UprootTheSystem @auroramalet@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1596132582114328583
#fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #aurora #ClimateTrials #uprootthesystem
The court case by @auroramalet@twitter.com has gained worldwide attention. Media roundup thread 🧵
RT @auroramalet@twitter.com
We are suing the Swedish state, because climate action is a legal duty.
#Aurora #ClimateTrials #UprootTheSystem
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/auroramalet/status/1596406831332704257
#aurora #ClimateTrials #UprootTheSystem
RT @auroramalet@twitter.com
We are suing the Swedish state, because climate action is a legal duty.
#Aurora #ClimateTrials #UprootTheSystem
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/auroramalet/status/1596406831332704257
#aurora #ClimateTrials #UprootTheSystem
RT @Greenpeace@twitter.com
Despite their best efforts to pretend otherwise, Sweden is no climate leader. Youth activists from @auroramalet@twitter.com are now taking the government to court to demand they take their fair share of global climate action to keep to 1.5C targets.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1596141939803688960