The 2024 American Society for Microbiology Awards and Prize are open for nominations. Please consider nominating an outstanding microbiologist colleague for one of the numerous available awards. Recognizing excellence in microbiology can have an important impact on the careers of outstanding microbiologists. See #IDmastodon #MicroMastodon #clinmicro #ASMicrobiology
#asmicrobiology #ClinMicro #micromastodon #IDMastodon
En el diagnóstico de la #gastroenteritis aguda (GEA), el coste de la visita inicial al sistema sanitario, más el costo de la visita de seguimiento relacionada con la GEA a los 30 días resulta similar para una PCR múltiplex ≥ 12 dianas (#FilmArray), PCR múltiplex < 12 dianas o el cultivo tradicional de heces.
#gastroenteritis #filmarray #ClinMicro
Latest #EditorsInConversation is out!
Dr. Alex McAdam and I talked w/ Drs. Robin Patel & Marisa Azar about PJI diagnostics using a new multiplex PCR assay and how it compared to culture & targeted mNGS.
See what the experts had to say!
#EditorsInConversation #ClinMicro
A parafilm shortage is definitely a reason for labs to panic #ScienceMastodon #clinmicro
El uso de cultivos de vigilancia de microorganismos multirresistentes para guiar el tratamiento empírico de las infecciones entre pacientes neutropénicos podría reducir potencialmente el uso de carbapenem en un 82,8 %, en comparación con el tratamiento empírico estándar con carbapenem.
Lights. Camera. Action. 🤩
Talkin’ all about #clinmicro at #MayoClinic. Can’t wait for the final product!!
Good question today on my training class. Do we know if #covid has an effect on #hpv reactivation? I haven’t seen any data relating to this. Anyone? #clinmicro #IDMastodon
#COVID #HPV #ClinMicro #IDMastodon
Our latest #EditorsInConversation podcast is out! Drs. Simner, McAdam and I review our fav J Clin Micro papers published over the past year.
We covered a range of papers from #mNGS for infectious endocarditis, to #IGRAs for Histoplasma and antibodies for #Cdiff, among other topics.
We also essentially loose it over ‘Mensa’…see why around minute 50ish 🤣😳
#EditorsInConversation #mngs #igras #Cdiff #ClinMicro
En las olas de Virus Respiratorio Sincitial parece que no circula una sola variante, pueden estar circulando varias variantes.
Por el estudio filogenético se deduce que las variantes circulantes proceden de variantes virales diversas que circulan entre las olas de manera inadvertida.
Preliminary Genomic Analysis of the RSV Surge 2022 in Massachusetts Reveals a Polyphyletic Epidemic Driven by the Expansion of Multiple Lineages - Virological
Libro publicado por @WHO, con intención global, sobre el manejo de grandes grupos de infecciones.
Las pautas y mensajes del libro inciden en los aspectos de optimización del tratamiento antibiótico y reducción del uso de antibióticos
The WHO AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) antibiotic book
The only way to know if what you have is RSV, Flu, or Covid is by getting tested. #clinmicro
According to a lab director in the Dallas area, for every 1 positive case of #covid they are now getting 5 positive #flu cases. Get your #flushot #influenza #clinmicro
#COVID #flu #flushot #influenza #ClinMicro
Monday Microbe! This bright yellow organism is a Gram positive coccus, appearing in irregular clusters and tetrads, is usually a nonpathogenic member of human skin flora. More clues- typically catalase positive, coagulase negative. Can you recognize this organism? Poll below 👇 #IDMastodon #ClinMicro #PathMastodon
#IDMastodon #ClinMicro #pathmastodon
Best birthday present for this microbiologist 😁 #clinmicro #microbiology thank you @jshmlr 😘
Best birthday present for this microbiologist 😁 #clinmicro #microbiology thank you @jshmlr 😘
Our #IDMastodon #FollowList has surpassed 400 users who work in the fields of Infectious Diseases, Clinical Microbiology, ID epidemiology, etc.
Let me know if I missed you!
#MastodonMigration #ClinMicro #IDEpi
#IDMastodon #followlist #mastodonmigration #ClinMicro #idepi
For the #virology enthusiasts, the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology (#PASCV) puts out monthly #DiagnosticDilemma cases for educational purposes. Our case this month is from #ClinMicro guru Dr. Phyu Thwe!
The Case:
6 yo boy w/ 1 wk of vesicular lesions scattered, grouped, and some scabbed over erythematous plaques on buttocks and groin. Some are itchy and others painful. Pt is up-to-date w/ vaccines. No other symptoms, sick contacts or travel. No pets. What’s your Dx (see poll 👇🏻)?!
#virology #pascv #diagnosticdilemma #ClinMicro
📚🔬@Sirobv (
et al. Transmisión autóctona de Plasmodium en España. El paciente no había viajado fuera de España en los últimos 10 años, pero coincidió en el hospital con un caso importado.
vía @SEIMC (
Autochthonous transmission of Plasmodium in Spain. The patient had not traveled outside of Spain in the last 10 years, but he coincided in the hospital with an imported case