Hello #med-mastodon, I’m an Infectious Diseases and Microbiology trainee in London. Passionate about #Globalhealth and #equity.
Hoping to read new content sparking ideas and connections. I trained in Brighton, London and Cairns.
#introduction #med #globalhealth #equity #IDMastodon #ClinMicroMastadon #MedEd #stem #decolonializeglobalhealth #feminist #adhd #dyslexia #AntiFascist #antiracism #NTDs #academia #academicchatter #parasitology #mycology #travelmedicine #hivmastodon #londoninfectionrep #taeescmid #academicmom
Migrated to #MedMastodon, so I should post my 1st toot (?!), right? 500 characters...so much freedom!
I'm a Clinical Microbiologist @MayoClinic. I direct the ID Serology Lab & am Program Director for the #ClinMicro ASM CPEP Fellowship. I also co-host the ASM #EditorsInConversation podcast for #JClinMicro.
Interests: #Virology, #VectorBorneDiseases, & #Mycology.
Originally from Bulgaria. LOVE to travel, history buff & busy w/ 2 kiddos 🥰
#MedMastodon #ClinMicro #EditorsInConversation #JClinMicro #virology #VectorBorneDiseases #mycology #ClinMicroMastadon #IDMastadon