Wonnecken · @Wonnecken
7 followers · 98 posts · Server hessen.social

samt Anwältin sind zu 1 Mio. US-$ verurteilt worden. Trump hatte seinerzeit Wahlkampfgegnerin verklagt, um die für seine Ziele und Narrative zu missbrauchen, begründet Richter John seinen Urteilsspruch.

Ein Beispiel, das auch bei unseren Gerichten Beachtung finden sollte, wenn die Anwälte der -Szene (Markus , Beate , Torsten etc.) wiederholt ihre -Strafanzeigen stellen.


#trump #strafe #hillary #Clinton #justiz #middlebrooks #querdenken #Haintz #Bahner #schulz #QuatschJura

Last updated 2 years ago

The New York Times RSS · @nytimesrss
6 followers · 259 posts · Server 0twitter.com
FreieBürgerKassel Watch · @freiebuergerks
171 followers · 567 posts · Server hessen.social

Toni teilt die Aufforderung, möglichst alle Inhalte zu kopieren

Diese sind seit Jahren dort offen zugänglich erreichbar - es wird suggeriert es seien neue zu und - und

Ursprung des Beitrags: Ein Kanal mit wildesten Verschwörungsbotschaften.

Toni "Steiger" Abduvaliev ist Organisator und Redner der von bei

#rechtsextremismus #verschwörungstheorie #kassel #Baunatal #Querdenker #hollywood #PizzaGate #Pedo #trump #qanon #Clinton #Pandemie #who #Leaks #Wikileaks

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Insurrealist
37 followers · 6950 posts · Server bittube.social
· @Insurrealist
37 followers · 6950 posts · Server bittube.social
· @Insurrealist
37 followers · 6950 posts · Server bittube.social
· @agentcasey
10 followers · 419 posts · Server social.globalpirates.net

Has anyone else noticed that the names and Alexandria Cortez are never mentioned in a same breath much less the same sentence by anyone in the ? Isn't that strange? Could there be a link between these two, or three? Remember Huma Abedin? What ever happened to her? It's as if she was swallowed up by a small quantum worm hole. One can only speculate. That's on the left and Huma on the right. It looks like someone has a type. What are your thoughts?

#democrats #aoc #media #Clinton #Hillary

Last updated 3 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

"On Oct. 6th, 2020, President Trump ordered the declassification of the Russia Probe documents along with the classified documents on the findings concerning the Hillary emails. The release of these documents threatens to expose the entrapment of the Trump campaign by the Clinton campaign with help of the U.S. agencies."


#Clinton #intelligence #RussiaGate #disinformation #CORRUPTION #USA #spooks

Last updated 4 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

'' demanded, & got, secret letters from its U.S. , G.W. , , & Adolf , which scum interpreted as a U.S. promise to protect their nuclear weapons. Indeed, U.S. ' did protect 'Israel’s nukes from scrutiny & criticism in the UN & other intl forums; part of a pattern that has destroyed America’s on nonproliferation.~

#Israel #bitches #Clinton #Bush #Obama #Trump #Zionist #Zionists #minions #credibility #Johnson #Nixon #Brzezinski #Vela #sheep #apartheid #genocidal #ShimonPeres

Last updated 4 years ago