#Trump samt Anwältin sind zu 1 Mio. US-$ #Strafe verurteilt worden. Trump hatte seinerzeit Wahlkampfgegnerin #Hillary #Clinton verklagt, um die #Justiz für seine Ziele und Narrative zu missbrauchen, begründet Richter John #Middlebrooks seinen Urteilsspruch.
Ein Beispiel, das auch bei unseren Gerichten Beachtung finden sollte, wenn die Anwälte der #Querdenken-Szene (Markus #Haintz, Beate #Bahner, Torsten #Schulz etc.) wiederholt ihre #Quatschjura-Strafanzeigen stellen.
#trump #strafe #hillary #Clinton #justiz #middlebrooks #querdenken #Haintz #Bahner #schulz #QuatschJura
From Gingrich to McCarthy, the Roots of Governance by Chaos https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/07/us/politics/speaker-mccarthy-gingrich-trump.html #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #HouseofRepresentatives #McCarthy,Kevin(1965-) #HouseFreedomCaucus #LawandLegislation #TeaPartyMovement #RepublicanParty #Boebert,Lauren #Trump,DonaldJ #Clinton,Bill #Gaetz,Matt
#UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #HouseofRepresentatives #McCarthy #HouseFreedomCaucus #LawandLegislation #TeaPartyMovement #RepublicanParty #Boebert #Trump #Clinton #Gaetz
Toni teilt die Aufforderung, möglichst alle #Wikileaks Inhalte zu kopieren
Diese sind seit Jahren dort offen zugänglich erreichbar - es wird suggeriert es seien neue #Leaks zu #WHO und #Pandemie - und #Clinton
Ursprung des Beitrags: Ein #QAnon Kanal mit wildesten #Trump #Pedo #PizzaGate #Hollywood Verschwörungsbotschaften.
Toni "Steiger" Abduvaliev ist Organisator und Redner der #Querdenker von #Baunatal bei #Kassel
#rechtsextremismus #verschwörungstheorie #kassel #Baunatal #Querdenker #hollywood #PizzaGate #Pedo #trump #qanon #Clinton #Pandemie #who #Leaks #Wikileaks
Clinton: Cryptocurrencies can destabilize nations https://cryptoplayboys.blogspot.com/2021/11/clinton-cryptocurrencies-can.html?spref=tw #cryptocurrencies #clinton #nations #cryptos #technology #news
#cryptocurrencies #Clinton #nations #cryptos #technology #news
Has anyone else noticed that the names #Hillary #Clinton and Alexandria Cortez are never mentioned in a same breath much less the same sentence by anyone in the #media? Isn't that strange? Could there be a link between these two, or three? Remember Huma Abedin? What ever happened to her? It's as if she was swallowed up by a small quantum worm hole. One can only speculate. That's #AOC on the left and Huma on the right. It looks like someone has a type. What are your thoughts? #democrats
#democrats #aoc #media #Clinton #Hillary
"On Oct. 6th, 2020, President Trump ordered the declassification of the Russia Probe documents along with the classified documents on the findings concerning the Hillary #Clinton emails. The release of these documents threatens to expose the entrapment of the Trump campaign by the Clinton campaign with help of the U.S. #intelligence agencies."
#RussiaGate #disinformation #corruption #USA #spooks
#Clinton #intelligence #RussiaGate #disinformation #CORRUPTION #USA #spooks
'#Israel' demanded, & got, secret letters from its U.S. #Bitches #Clinton, G.W. #Bush, #Obama, & Adolf #Trump, which #Zionist scum interpreted as a U.S. promise to protect their nuclear weapons. Indeed, U.S. #Zionists' #minions did protect 'Israel’s nukes from scrutiny & criticism in the UN & other intl forums; part of a pattern that has destroyed America’s #credibility on nonproliferation.~
#Johnson #Nixon #Brzezinski #Vela A-747 #sheep #apartheid #genocidal #ShimonPeres
#Israel #bitches #Clinton #Bush #Obama #Trump #Zionist #Zionists #minions #credibility #Johnson #Nixon #Brzezinski #Vela #sheep #apartheid #genocidal #ShimonPeres