Wow. #ClipChamp. Just opening the app was such a bad experience I uninstalled it before even trying to record a screen-capture. If I didn't know it was a legit MS app I'd have thought it was malware. #DarkPattern
@uliwitness ⇒ don’t. Instead: Install #GNU #Linux, then for #video editing get something simple like Openshot¹ or something powerful like kdenlive².
#gnu #linux #video #microsoft #ClipChamp #windows11 #tracking
Habt Ihr mittlerweile mal #Clipchamp ausprobiert? Seit einigen Monaten pusht #Microsoft die vielseitige Videoschnitt-Software. Sie ist in #Windows11 vorinstalliert und wird u. a. in der Foto-App penetrant beworben. Bekannt ist sie trotzdem kaum ...
#ClipChamp #microsoft #windows11 #FediLZ #video
Here's a video I created about using #cslanet in a #vscode interactive notebook. Kind of a learning experience for me about #clipchamp and #YouTube, so probably the first of many.
#cslanet #vscode #ClipChamp #youtube
So, yeah, editing my next youtube video, and for what ever reason i cannot import an mp3 into clip champ. I already contacted the help desk, however if anyone is interested I'll attach the mp3 I'm trying to import. No odd characters, no odd strings of text, etc are in said file name as far as I'm aware. Enjoy the file if you want to use it btw. #ClipChamp #Microsoft #Youtube #Videos #Editing
#editing #videos #youtube #microsoft #ClipChamp
Schon gesehen? Die kostenlose Videoschnitt-App #Clipchamp gehört jetzt fest zu #Windows11! Was Du über die Software wissen solltest:
#ClipChamp #windows11 #FediLZ #microsoft365 #MicrosoftEDU