Breizh Of The Wild :biheart: · @krrrrlea
31 followers · 332 posts · Server

JSP si c'est un unpopular opinion mais j'aime pas quand l'animation c'est considéré comme "moins bien" que le live action, et que passer de l'animation au live action c'est une "amélioration"

je me plains parce que et sont animées et des séries incroyables, pourquoi est en live action :blobPikaGlare:

Surtout que s'il y a bien un univers qui marche parfaitement en animation c'est

#CloneWars #rebels #ashoka #starwars

Last updated 1 year ago

casey is remote · @realcaseyrollins
356 followers · 17574 posts · Server

@Rasp is probably one of the best parts of the entire franchise, which is both impressive and kinda sad

#CloneWars #starwars

Last updated 1 year ago

daniel_ahlqvist :verified: · @daniel_ahlqvist
235 followers · 808 posts · Server

Sitter och tittar på Clone Wars och stör mig på Jar Jar Binks. Jag vet att han ska vara rolig och det är han säkert för barn. Själv tycker jag bara att han är en jobbig person. 🙄

#CloneWars #StarWars

Last updated 1 year ago

· @scolastik
55 followers · 300 posts · Server

Je suis à la saison 6 de et j'en ai marre parce que Anakin est con (choquant je sais). Le sénat vote tout le temps de la merde (re choquant).

Et y a plus (spoiler). (Oui je sais la saison a 8 ans mais bon).


Last updated 2 years ago

Kimberly Jansen :verified: · @Kimberly
117 followers · 410 posts · Server

I now have 2 squads of Phase I Clone Troopers, with General Kenobi, and Grand Master Yoda. Going to be a fun evening starting to paint everything up

#StarWarsLegion #tabletopgames #tabletop #starwars #CloneWars #obiwan #yoda #clonetroopers #barcspeeder

Last updated 2 years ago

Kimberly Jansen :verified: · @Kimberly
102 followers · 271 posts · Server

I now have General Grievous, 2 squads of B1 battle droids and a couple of Droideka ready to prime and paint. Tomorrow i think I’ll try get this lot primed and cast some terrain for my Geonosis table top in plaster. Have a lot of rocks to make.

#starwars #StarWarsLegion #CloneWars #tabletopgames

Last updated 2 years ago

casey is remote · @realcaseyrollins
228 followers · 6499 posts · Server


> as stark


> HBO’s game of thrones was mediocre soft-core porn at it’s height

IDK I heard people came for the sex scenes and stayed for the story. From what I've heard about it, its story at its heart is very similar to , which I'm watching rn, so I get its appeal.

> it basically vanished as a pop-culture brand immediately after ending it was so bad at that point.

Yeah and I think that's why moved so quickly to push and other shows instead. It was kinda sad to watch from the cultural perspective, from the outside in. They'd spent like eight years and millions of dollars building what could have been a cultural phenomenon that spanned decades and generations, but the ending was so bad that it ruined its rewatch potential and killed its longevity as a brand. They're trying to it now but I don't think that'll work.

#Succession #HBO #CloneWars

Last updated 3 years ago