Chiudere #Guantánamo, accertare le responsabilità dei funzionari #USA e fornire risarcimenti per le torture e altri maltrattamenti subiti dai detenuti per mano del governo degli #StatiUniti.
#CloseGuantanamo #guantánamo #usa #statiuniti #humanrights #27giugno #torture
“La privazione sistematica della libertà nel campo #Guantánamo può "costituire un crimine contro l'umanità".”
#AbuZubaydah #CrimesAgainstHumanity #HumanRights #Usa #UK #4maggio
#CloseGuantanamo #guantánamo #AbuZubaydah #crimesagainsthumanity #humanrights #usa #uk #4maggio
How can #guantanamo still be open..? How come all the Politicians who said they cared about Human Rights were so silent about the horrific Human Rights abuses that took place in Guantanamo...? Are Muslims not deserving of Human Rights...?
RT @MansoorAdayfi: #CloseGuantanamo
RT @Cosmic_Surfer
HEY! 'MERICUH! Why the FUCK is GTMO still open?
For all of us detained at Guantánamo, making art was a lifeline. Why won’t Joe Biden let us keep our work? | Mansoor Adayfi
RT @Cosmic_Surfer
HEY! 'MERICUH! Why the FUCK is GTMO still open?
For all of us detained at Guantánamo, making art was a lifeline. Why won’t Joe Biden let us keep our work? | Mansoor Adayfi
"Nonostante accuse e sospetti, al-Sharbi non era mai stato processato. Anzi, nel 2008 le accuse erano decadute.
#GhassanAlSharbi è il 4° detenuto trasferito da #Guantánamo nel 2023. Ne restano altri 31."
#CloseGuantanamo #ghassanalsharbi #guantánamo #humanrights #10marzo #usa
#CloseGuantanamo #AhmedRabbani
"La #Cia si rese subito conto dello sbaglio, ma durante la guerra al terrore, in fondo uno valeva l’altro. Così, Rabbani fu trattenuto in isolamento in #Afghanistan e torturato per 545 giorni, per poi essere trasferito nel centro di detenzione di Guantánamo."
#Guantanamo #Usa #Peace #NOwar #PACE #25febbraio #HumanRights #Torture
#CloseGuantanamo #ahmedrabbani #cia #afghanistan #guantanamo #usa #peace #nowar #pace #25febbraio #humanrights #torture
A peom from Guantánamo by Tawfiq Al-Bihani in 2018. He has been cleared for release in 2009, yet still held at #Guantánamo along with 20 who also have been cleared for release.
#guantanamo #freetheguantanamo20 #CloseGuantanamo #dontforgetushere
"Nel 21° anniversario, più di 150 organizzazioni internazionali chiedono a #Biden di chiudere #Guantanamo.
Guantánamo Bay “è l'esempio iconico dell'abbandono dello stato di diritto”."
#HumanRights #CloseGuantanamoNow #USA #15gennaio
#15gennaio #usa #CloseGuantanamoNOW #humanrights #guantanamo #biden #CloseGuantanamo
🟧7️⃣7️⃣9️⃣ prisoners
🟧6️⃣0️⃣ children
🟥 9️⃣ men died
🟧3️⃣5️⃣ remain
🟧2️⃣1️⃣ cleared for release.
7️⃣ 6️⃣7️⃣3️⃣ D A Y S
Artist Sabri Al-Qurashi2012
#CloseGuantanamo #gtmo20 #DontForgetUsHere #Guantanamo #artfromguantanamo #ciatortureprogram
I want to thank everyone who participated yesterday in the 21st anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo Bay. Thanks also to everyone who tries to help the former detainees #closeguantanamo #artfromgitmo please contact me if you want to buy some of my paintings #AbdAlmalikart
#CloseGuantanamo #artfromgitmo #abdalmalikart
Thank you all for your support.
Today is the 21st anniversary of the opening of the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, where about 30 Muslim men, many cleared for release, are still caged to this day.
We were out across the country demanding Biden #CloseGuantanamo, and we'll keep fighting until it's gone.
RT #CloseGuantanamo
Today, advocates, organizers, artists, and survivors of Guantanamo Bay come together for a virtual rally to uplift the harms perpetuated in Guantanamo Bay and call for accountability. #CloseGuantanamo.
On this day, 21 years ago, Guantanamo Bay opened. This facility serves as a global symbol of racial injustice, human rights abuses, & violations of the US Constitution.
We joined a list of civil society organizations calling on to #CloseGuantanamo.
., Today, January 11, 2023, is the 21st anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, and, marking 7,671 days since the prison opened. It's time to #CloseGuantanamo.
150 International Organizations Call on Biden to #CloseGuantanamo on 21st Anniversary 2014. Illustration: Courtesy of Sabri al-Qurashi
ON THE 21ST anniversary of the first orange-jumpsuit clad “unlawful enemy combatants” arriving blindfolded and shackled to the U.S. naval base in Guantánamo Bay, more than 150 international human rights organizations are urging President Joe Biden to finally shutter the prison #CloseGITMO