The #Covid "clot shot" #spikeproteins can cross the blood-brain barrier, enter organs, and result in the immune system attacking those organs, including the #heart
#ClotShotEffect #heart #spikeproteins #COVID
The #Covid "clot shot" #spikeproteins can cross the blood-brain barrier, enter organs, and result in the immune system attacking those organs, including the #heart #ClotShotEffect
#ClotShotEffect #heart #spikeproteins #COVID
The #Covid "clot shot" #spikeproteins can cross the blood-brain barrier, enter organs, and result in the immune system attacking those organs, including the #heart
#ClotShotEffect #heart #spikeproteins #COVID
All the "science-based" medicine fraudsters and psycho-bloggers are continuing to push the propaganda, even in the wake of SkepDoc's wake #ClotShotEffect