TIL: The simulator is not reliable when testing #SwiftData with #CloudKit.
You need at least two physical devices, unless you want to spend hours on trying to figure out why your your data doesn't sync – when it actually is syncing as expected.
@helge But I went from 30+ errors to one (that was easy to fix) in my #SwiftData + #CloudKit project, so I’m not complaining.
Hey, (re) #introduction time!
I’m the creator/developer of CardBoard: boardgame scoring app. I launched in the very early days of #SwiftUI, using lots of #Combine, #CloudKit and #CoreData. For v2 I’m doing a complete rewrite: moving to iOS 17 #SwiftUI and #SwiftData. I’m building in public for those who want to follow the journey and learn with me!
#swiftdata #coredata #CloudKit #combine #SwiftUI #Introduction
Ah, looks like #SwiftData still uses #CloudKit for sync and I don't see anything about improvements to that in this year's WWDC. The developer story around CloudKit is... definitely not my favorite. I would really love to see Apple improve this in future years. It makes Apple-native sync solutions a non-starter for me.
So for syncing data across devices, I will definitely still be using #Realm and MongoDB Atlas Device Sync.
Time to dive into local persistence…
Continuing my “learnings” on CoreData and CloudKit. Found out why my app wasn’t syncing correctly (this time), fingers crossed that I can refactory my model to do what I want to do next. #programmer #coredata #cloudkit #macOS #iOS #xcode
#Xcode #iOS #macOS #CloudKit #coredata #programmer
@daveverwer @iosdevweekly Two more small suggestions:
Replacing inline words with hastags instead of listing generic ones the end (for example “Advanced data protection in #CloudKit”).
Maybe posting at :45 instead of :00? Lots of my meetings start at :00, so one of your links would be the perfect useful distraction when I have some time before a meeting.