The largest transport contract was signed today in #Cluj in the presence of Prime Minister @NicolaeCiuca.
The first #metro line outside of Bucharest is set to be built in Cluj-Napoca.
Congratulations to the mayor @Emil_Boc and his team for this achievement!
RT @Emil_Boc: Healthy products from the local market. We strongly support the connections between urban and rural areas.
Photos: today; weekly visit to one of the seasonal open air markets in #ClujNapoca
#Cluj #Romania #EU #urbanrural #localproducts
#ClujNapoca #Cluj #Romania #EU #UrbanRural #localproducts
RT @4HousingandCity: 📣 Its less then a week until the Transnational Meeting of Grassroots Collectives for Housing Justice in #Cluj! During our meeting there will be talks, debates, workshops, a book launch, a screening and much more. In the evenings, the following public events are open to all:
RT @4HousingandCity: 📢Following a militant and colorful #HousingActionDays2023 let's meet and unite our struggles!
Join the next EAC Meeting between the 28th of April and 1st of May in #Cluj, Romania🔥
Scroll down for more info👇
RT @Emil_Boc: Happy to attend again the annual #ClujNapoca International #Marathon (the 4km cross). Congratulations to all runners!!
We’ll continue to supports such events for we strongly believe #sports is the best investment we can make in our health!
#Cluj #Romania #Europe #healthInvestment
#ClujNapoca #Marathon #sports #Cluj #Romania #Europe #healthInvestment
RT @Emil_Boc: Public electric transport in #ClujNapoca 🌿 Half the #publictransport fleet in our city is green #electric🚊🚎🚍
#Cluj #Romania #Europe #electric #greentransportation #greenCity #EuropeanFunds #ecotransportation #electricbus
#ClujNapoca #publictransport #electric #Cluj #Romania #Europe #greentransportation #greenCity #EuropeanFunds #ecotransportation #electricbus
Strassen Musiker Bernhardiner
Auf dem Weg heute durch Cluj bin ich dieser Strassenmusikerin mit ihrem grossen Bernhardiner begegnet. Das Tier war fast größer als die Dame mit Ihrem Akkordeon und erregte sicherlich noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit bei den Passanten die so gerne einen paar Leu gaben
#rumänien #rumania🇷🇴 #cluj #clujnapoca #streetphotography #blauestunde #straßenmusiker #streetmusician #dogsofmastodon #hunde #fotografie #photography
#rumanien #rumania #Cluj #clujnapoca #streetphotography #BlaueStunde #straßenmusiker #streetmusician #dogsofmastodon #hunde #fotografie #photography
Straßen von Cluj
Gestern in Cluj (Rumänien) gelandet und den Abend für einen Fotowalk durch die wunderbare Innenstadt genutzt.
#rumänien #rumania #cluj #clujnapoca #streetphotography #fotografie #photographie #blauestunde #lichter
#rumanien #rumania #Cluj #clujnapoca #streetphotography #fotografie #photographie #BlaueStunde #lichter
RT @Emil_Boc: We strongly support the creation of the Cluj-Napoca Artificial Intelligence Hub #AIhub based on the collaboration w/ the University and #Cluj Clusters in #innovation
⚙️We offer the city as a City Lab to test the innovative products and solutions #ClujNapoca #resilientCity #AI
#AIHub #Cluj #innovation #ClujNapoca #resilientCity #AI
RT @Emil_Boc: We strongly support the creation of the Cluj-Napoca Artificial Intelligence Hub #AIhub based on the collaboration w/ the University and #Cluj Clusters in #innovation
⚙️We offer the city as a City Lab to test the innovative products and solutions #ClujNapoca #resilientCity #AI
#AIHub #Cluj #innovation #ClujNapoca #resilientCity #AI
RT @Emil_Boc: Secure spaces for bikes in all neighborhoods ✅ #ClujNapoca
🚲 5 new secured containers w/ 250 places for #bicycles finished
🚲 Total across the city: 727 bike parking spots now, 927 by the end of 2023.
All energetically independent, w/ surveillance cameras & card access #Cluj
RT @Emil_Boc: Every #Christmas for the past 18 years I’ve visited the Elderly Care & Assistance Center in #ClujNapoca to bring presents, from our community, to those living here.
This year I also met four Ukrainian people temporarily in care at the social center.
#christmas #ClujNapoca #Cluj #Romania #Craciun
Was hat #Österreich mit seinem Veto gegen #Rumänien erreicht
Dass alle Autos an der Grenze stehen - und auch alle Züge - das sind alleine aus #Wien jeweils drei Züge - nach #Bukarest, #Cluj und #SatuMare - ja nachdem es in zwei Richtungen geht sind das pro Tag zusammengerechnet 6 Stunden - für Nichts und wieder Nichts- aus Jux und Tollerei der #ÖVP
#österreich #Rumänien #Wien #bukarest #Cluj #SatuMare #ÖVP
RT @Emil_Boc: Brno, Czech Republic: #Cluj’s projects in innovation and education - European best practices - presented in the “New Challenges in Education” Conference organized by the @EU_Commission and @EU_CoR 🇪🇺
👏 Congrats to @Emil_Boc who has been elected as chair of the @EU_CoR #COTER Commission.
The Mayor of #Cluj has made the efficient use of the #EUbudget and #Cohesion funds a top priority.
RT @CoR_President: Congratulations @Emil_Boc for your election as Chair of the @EU_CoR Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget.
This comes at a crucial time for regions and cities and the European Union as a whole. The Committee wil…
#COTER #Cluj #EUbudget #cohesion
👏 Congrats to @Emil_Boc who has been elected as chair of the @EU_CoR #COTER Commission.
The Mayor of #Cluj has made the efficient use of the #EUbudget and #Cohesion funds a top priority.
RT @CoR_President: Congratulations @Emil_Boc for your election as Chair of the @EU_CoR Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget.
This comes at a crucial time for regions and cities and the European Union as a whole. The Committee wil…
#COTER #Cluj #EUbudget #cohesion
RT @GearSME2: After a long and productive day at work, the consortium of GEAR@SME discovered the medieval city of #Cluj-Napoca. Many thanks to our Romanian partners #Servelect and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. So we can continue recharged the next day! Saving #energy together!
We are making #Cluj energy efficient through: a New Heating Strategy for buildings,💡Smart LED Street lighting for buildings and streets, 🚃 green public transport & 🔌electric car charging stations. Such initiatives will contribute to a 55% reduction of CO2 by 2030. @Emil_Boc