Universität Wien · @univienna
502 followers · 111 posts · Server fediscience.org

Microbiomes drive Planetary Health: Unter diesem Titel bündeln 30 Wissenschafter*innen um den Uni Wien-Mikrobiologen Michael Wagner ihre Kompetenzen. Gemeinsam möchten sie erforschen, wie Mikrobiome die Gesundheit unseres Planeten steuern und mit diesem Wissen das Verständnis des globalen Wandels und Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft entscheidend voranbringen. Mehr dazu ⤵ 🦠



#microbiome #ClusterofExcellence

Last updated 1 year ago

Cluster ROOTS · @clusterroots
140 followers · 152 posts · Server fediscience.org

Woran forschen andere ? In der neuesten Folge des Podcast " geht es um die von Daten und wie sie quantenresistent und menschlich gestaltet werden kann. Das ist eines der Themen von CASA – for an der Bochum exzellent-erklaert.podigee.io/

#kryptographie #ruhruni #cybersecurity #ClusterofExcellence #verschlusselung #exzellenterklaert #Exzellenzcluster

Last updated 2 years ago

AxelPolleres (Q54860587) · @AxelPolleres
210 followers · 411 posts · Server wien.rocks

science.apa.at/power-search/53 Congratulations to the winners of the FWF's projects... however this comes with a bit of a bitter side taste: not a single project in or funded. Where's Austria's "AI Strategy"? How do we react to the lack of and in education? Additional reading (and this is from back in 2020!): ocg.at/sites/ocg.at/files/medi -->p.14ff

#ClusterofExcellence #ai #computerscience #cs

Last updated 2 years ago

Cluster ROOTS · @clusterroots
123 followers · 77 posts · Server fediscience.org

Previously enigmatic pit structures in the Khangai Mountains (central Mongolia) were, at least partly, military settlements or garrisons of the Qing period (1636-1911), as an international team led by member Henny Piezonka now writes in @Antiquity
The findings are based on in 2019, made possible by the and by the ROOTS: cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/p @archaeodons

#archaeology #ClusterofExcellence #gerdahenkelstiftung #excavations #ClusterROOTS

Last updated 2 years ago

Cluster ROOTS · @clusterroots
19 followers · 11 posts · Server fediscience.org

Hello, I am . I am a (large science network) called ROOTS funded by the at . Here, 150 scientists jointly investigate basic human phenomena since the Paleolithic and the of these basic phenomena to each other and to the environment. The disciplines represented include

#anthropology #philosophy #geoscience #history #linguistics #biology #medicine #prehistory #archaeology #connectivity #KielUniversity #dfg #ClusterofExcellence #newhere

Last updated 2 years ago