First Danish #BookOfHours has been added to #Cokldb in Lund Universirt Medeltidshandskrift 35, aka the Karen Ludvigsdatters Tidebog. Undecorated, except for a few crude penwork initials, mostly at the start of an office (see start of the Joys of the BVM on f.66r below)
#Medieval #Medievodons @medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #CoKLDB #bookofhours
Back to #CoKLDB with another #Dutch #BooksOfHours . This is from the Huis van het boek in The Hague, courtesy of the lovely MMW 10 E 1 was made c. 1438 in Utrecht. The calendar is almost full, 359 saints. It has a nice compliment of Dutch saints, including Willibrord and Livinus in red in November. One notable oddity is that the "300 Moors of Oct-15 are counted 344 (see below)
@medievodons @bookhistodons #Medieval #Medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #BooksOfHours #dutch #CoKLDB
It's been a while, but I added another #BookOfHours to #CoKLDB, this one #Vatican Chig.C.IV.112
Use of Angers, mid 15th C, it has several later additions in both Latin and French. The miniatures are sadly in a poor state, see f.75r below.
The calendar has 215 extremely accurate entries: 1 shifted, 1 error, fixed, and 1 unknown. Several unique feasts, including Octave of Renatus of Angeres, localize it.
@medievodons @bookhistodons #Medieval #Medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #vatican #CoKLDB #bookofhours
only 32 #Manuscripts this week from the #Vatican
includes a LOT of sermons by Chrysostom in Greek, a Coptic Psalter, a Arras Book of Hours (soon to be in #CoKLDB ) perhaps the authors autograph of Amr ibn Mattā's Book of the Tower, several MS related to the Council of Trent and more!
@medievodons #Medievodons #Medieval @bookhistodons
#medieval #medievodons #CoKLDB #vatican #manuscripts
More #Dartmouth #BookOfHours added to #CoKLDB , this one was Ms Codex 1927. It is a 15th C French* #Manuscript, and rather small, only 9x6 cm, and thick, with 248 leaves. There are 15 large miniatures with Ghent-Bruges borders. The calendar is rather sparse, 135 entries, with Hugo (Sept 11/12) and Pontius (March 9, April 1) as rare entries. Also some unusual missing entries, eg. no Stephen on Aug 2 or 3 (see f.8r below)
@medievodons #Medievodons #Medieval @bookstodon
#medieval #medievodons #manuscript #CoKLDB #bookofhours #dartmouth
@medievodons @bookstodon
Another #Dartmouth #BookOfHours added to #CoKLDB is Codex 3134, a Flemish hours from c. 1425. It's a ... well loved #Manuscript, with the first folio worn, creased, filthy, and with the biggest coffee cup circle ever. (f.1r below)
The calendar is extremely sparse, 94 entries, and accurate, only a single error: Medard on July 7 should be June 6, and a shifting of 2 feasts in Feb. An unusual listing is Benedict as "monk" on March 21 (f.2r below)
#Medieval #Medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #manuscript #CoKLDB #bookofhours #dartmouth
Another #BooksOfHours added to #CoKLDB, Biblioteca Civica Berio m.r. C.f. Arm. I, i.e. the Offiziolo Durazzo. This is a stunning early 16th C Use of Rome hours. Decorated in a Humanistic style, the text is entirely in gold ink on purple parchment by Pietro Antonio Sallando, and the #Manuscript was illuminated by Francesco Marmitta. The entire thing _except_ f.1r is available online, I had to track down the printed facsimile for the start of January.
@bookstodon @medievodons
#manuscript #CoKLDB #BooksOfHours
@medievodons Adding Hours to #CoKLDB with #NewberryLibrary Case MS 44, thanks to @DrKarrSchmidt This is, at first glance, a standard French mid 15th C Use of Rome Hours, though with particularly nice illumination (see the Annunciation on f.23r).
The calendar too, looks normal, red and blue for regular, gold high ranked saints. It has complete Roman dating info, both parts (Kalends, Ides, Nones, see Nov below f.11r) and numbers, which is unusual (perhaps 1/4 of French MS)
#medievodons #NewberryLibrary #CoKLDB