🗓️Wednesday 1/03, 16.00 CET @EP_Environment debates with the Commission
🐻❄️EU action plan against wildlife trafficking & #COP19 outcome
🎗️#EUCancerPlan & Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative
🎥Watch live: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/envi-committee-meeting_20230301-1430-COMMITTEE-ENVI_vd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Environment/status/1630136604424642560
RT @WCSBrussels: 📌 Local Governance and Civil Society Organisations – Key in Disrupting Wildlife Trafficking 🐾🐘🌍
Check out the 📺 recording of @EU_ENV, @TheWCS, and @UNODC side event at @CITES #COP19 in Panama. Welcoming remarks included 🇲🇿🇪🇺🇱🇦
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1605529782644375552
A very good morning, afternoon and night to you. I've got your weekly Monday News Breakdown here from Mongabay.
Original articles by @Arj, @ECAlberts, and Keith Anthony S. Fabro at Mongabay.com. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here: https://www.mongabay.com/newsletter/
#RedPanda #News #Environment #Conservation #Philippines #CITES #Cop19
#redpanda #News #environment #conservation #philippines #CITES #CoP19
RT @EU_ENV: At this @CITES #CoP19, the 🇪🇺 helped achieve stricter trade regulations for + 500 newly listed species threatened by 🌍 wildlife trade
Ahead of the #CoP15 #ForNature in December, it is encouraging to see the global community stepping up #ForOurPlanet: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/news/wildlife-trade-regime-2022-11-28_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUClimateAction/status/1597305859092381698
#CoP19 #COP15 #ForNature #ForOurPlanet
RT @UNEP_NYO: Here are some important #COP19 outcomes:
🦈The legal & sustainable exportation of threatened shark species
🐘Monitoring systems for elephant poaching & trade
🌳Recommendations to protect Latin American, African, & Asian tree species under threat
More: https://www.bornfree.org.uk/news/cites-cop19-week-one-round-up
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1596813961852116992
RT @EU_ENV: At this @CITES #CoP19, the 🇪🇺 helped achieve stricter trade regulations for + 500 newly listed species threatened by 🌍 wildlife trade
Ahead of the #CoP15 #ForNature in December, it is encouraging to see the global community stepping up #ForOurPlanet: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/news/wildlife-trade-regime-2022-11-28_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUEnvironment/status/1597528383294144515
#CoP19 #COP15 #ForNature #ForOurPlanet
パナマで開催されていた #ワシントン条約 @CITES は25日、新たに500以上の種の国際取引に関する規制強化に合意して閉幕。#EU は議論に積極的に参加し、来月の #生物多様性 条約締約国会議 #COP15 に向けた良い傾向として評価した
RT @EU_ENV: At this @CITES #CoP19, the 🇪🇺 helped achieve stricter trade regulations for + 500 newly listed species threatened by 🌍 wildlife trade
Ahead of the #CoP15 #ForNature in December, it is encouraging to see the global community stepping up #ForOurPlanet: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/news/wildlife-trade-regime-2022-11-28_en
#ワシントン条約 #EU #生物多様性 #COP15 #CoP19 #ForNature #ForOurPlanet
@bridgetmck I am finding it hard to work out where and how to use political energies right now, to shift thinking on #EverydayEcocide or elsewhere. My instinct is still that these gatherings (COP and others) matter and, depressing as the compromises are, they need to be logged and at least described. I am reading, now about #CoP19 -- found this good https://chinadialogueocean.net/en/conservation/explainer-why-cites-matters-for-marine-species/ but feel increasingly in need of a local focus for political work, for people and for #bioabundance
#EverydayEcocide #CoP19 #bioabundance
🌏 Menacés par le commerce international, les 183 États réunis au Panama ont voté pour une protection de 54 espèces de requins.
La deuxième cause de perte de biodiversité étant la surexploitation des espèces, cette décision est historique pour la protection des animaux. #COP19
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ChristopheBechu/status/1596464483995713536
Amid a global #biodiversity crisis, nations have agreed to protect threatened species like #sharks, #songbirds, glass #frogs and tropical #timber by regulating their #trade.
Over the past two weeks, member states of CITES met in Panama for CoP19, and agreed to establish new or revised trade regulations on more than 600 animal and plant #species.
Here's my roundup of @CITES #CoP19 for @mongabay
#biodiversity #sharks #songbirds #frogs #timber #trade #species #CoP19
One would expect the #EU to lead the effort to protect endangered species from harmful effects of trade. But this @CITES #COP19 more can be done by EU and it’s positions need to strengthen to be in line with its own Biodiversity Strategy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/martinhojsik/status/1595470727481888771
"Dieses Votum kann eine Trendwende darstellen und auch jenen Haiarten den dringend benötigen Schutz bringen, die lange Zeit übersehen wurden."
Bei der Weltartenkonferenz CITES (Convention in International Trade in Endangered Spezies of Wild Fauna und Flora, #COP19) in Panama City haben sich die Mitgliedsstaaten auf den internationalen Schutz von 60 Haiarten geeinigt.
#GoodNews #Artenschutz #Mitweltschutz #Meeresschutz
#CoP19 #goodnews #artenschutz #Mitweltschutz #meeresschutz
La #COP27 n'est pas la seule conférence des parties en ce moment : depuis le 13 novembre se tient la #COP19 de la CITES (Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d'extinction) à Panama City. Parmi les grands dossiers : concombres de mer, requins, rhinocéros blanc et bois exotiques. https://www.mnhn.fr/fr/actualites/reglementer-le-commerce-international-pour-proteger-les-especes-menacees-d-extinction
The US arrested a Cambodian government official for trafficking tens of thousands of wild macaques WHILE ON ROUTE to a meeting on #CITES, the international convention to better protect wildlife from trafficking.
Audacious, yet not the first time CITES documents have been used to funnel wild, protected animals into the legal trade. They can easily be forged or recycled - or issued by a corrupt official. #COP19 #wildlife #trafficking
#CITES #CoP19 #wildlife #trafficking
RT @IlaDiSilvestre: So refreshing to see children calling for more wildlife protection this morning at @CITES #CoP19!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinemep/status/1592462713224953857
RT @kmjefford@twitter.com
As Cop27 enters its second week, another summit #Cop19 focused on the world’s trade in threatened species of animals and plants kicks off in Panama today. I spoke to @CITES@twitter.com @ivonnehiguero@twitter.com | @genevasolutions@twitter.com https://genevasolutions.news/climate-environment/wild-ambitions-countries-meet-in-panama-to-discuss-future-of-planet-s-species?utm_medium=partage-social&utm_source=twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kmjefford/status/1592090623615582209
.@EU_Commission a adopté un plan d'action révisé de l'UE visant à mettre un terme au commerce illégal d'espèces sauvages.🪸🐍🐯🐒
L'UE montre l'exemple à l'approche de la #COP15 et de la #COP19.
#biodiversite #ForNature @BeBiodiversity
RT @EU_ENV: 🆕 Major milestone #ForNature!
We adopted a revised 🇪🇺 action plan to put an end to illegal #WildlifeTrafficking
This comes at a crucial moment when species across the 🌍 are under threat, and …
#COP15 #CoP19 #biodiversite #ForNature #wildlifetrafficking
Met haar 🆕 🇪🇺-actieplan tegen de illegale handel in wilde dieren en planten, geeft de EU het goede voorbeeld voor #COP15 en #COP19
RT @EU_ENV: 🆕 Major milestone #ForNature!
We adopted a revised 🇪🇺 action plan to put an end to illegal #WildlifeTrafficking
This comes at a crucial moment when species across the 🌍 are under threat, and it shows our 🇪🇺 ambition ahead of #COP15 & #COP19
More 👉 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_6538
#ForNature #wildlifetrafficking #COP15 #CoP19