Ever wonder how much #carbon is in #wetland #ecosystems (#permafrost #CoastalMarsh #bogs #Swamps)? "Lots!" is of course the answer but how much is lots? Temmink etal 2022 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn1479 Highlights the importance of belowground carbon storage for these ecosystems.
#ScientificLiterature #Biogeochemistry #BlueCarbon #CriticalZone
[Personal note - Uncertainties look low to me but ball park seems consistent and useful!]
#carbon #wetland #ecosystems #permafrost #CoastalMarsh #bogs #swamps #scientificLiterature #biogeochemistry #BlueCarbon #criticalzone
Today I’m remembering how hard we fought to protect #DuffinsCreek #CoastalMarsh on #LakeOntario.
I’m thinking about all the other #WorkhorseWetlands people take for granted in our urban and rural areas. They are working hard to purify #water and prevent #floods, but do we adequately value them?
Today, why not tidy up your local #wetland? Stop 🛑 that litter from becoming #Microplastics or harming #waterfowl. Bring some garbage bags and some friends and do a clean-up. It will feel amazing to actually make something better with your own hands.
#microplastics #waterfowl #duffinscreek #CoastalMarsh #lakeontario #WorkhorseWetlands #water #floods #wetland
In the #GreatLakes region, we’ve already lost >60% of historic #wetlands. Some places have lost up to 90%! Those few remnants of #CoastalMarsh are precious. My ❤️ Is broken to learn that #DuffinsCreek #ProvinciallySignificantWetland was drained illegally. Especially given how much we’re investing to #restore coastal marsh under #GLERI
Thanks to TheNarwhal for their reporting. If I knew how to link to them in the Fediverse, I would.
#CoastalMarsh #greatlakes #wetlands #duffinscreek #ProvinciallySignificantWetland #restore #GLERI