Brick City Mutual Aid is collecting new and gently used #CoatsForComrades in the so-called “Newark” area! Scarves, gloves and all cold-weather gear accepted.
Also if you’re not close and want to still give #MutualAid, please Venmo your contribution to BCMA-Newark. Every dollar helps! Thank you in advance.
#CoatsForComrades #MutualAid #newark #njma #wetakecareofus #newjersey #coatdrive
Collecting new or gently used coats in the Newark area for comrades who could use coats. Also welcome: other warm winter clothes like hats, scarves, and gloves. Thank you in advance 🖤💗
Email: for drop off or Venmo BCMA-Newark.
#newark #MutualAid #BrickCityMutualAid #CoatsForComrades