🇺🇲 This is what Coca-Cola cans looked like in the early 1900s.
#cocacola #Coca #cain #drinksafe #usalegend #usa #ThrowBackThursday
#cocacola #Coca #cain #drinksafe #usalegend #usa #ThrowBackThursday
Just on time for the holidays, here are my latest results on forced eradication and #coca crops in #Colombia https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17421772.2022.2151642?journalCode=rsea20
"The world’s worst #plastic polluters have been revealed, with #Coca-Cola coming top of the list for the fifth year in a row.
This is especially embarrassing given the food and drinks company’s sponsorship of COP27, currently being held in Egypt." - https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/11/18/coca-cola-revealed-as-worlds-worst-plastic-polluter-for-fifth-year-in-a-row
Happy to see my research filling gaps and improving the discussion on illicit crops #worlddrugreport #coca #cienciacriolla #econtwitter
#worlddrugreport #Coca #cienciacriolla #econtwitter
#Brands will be left with floating around official looking screen grabs etc forever from Nov11 #TwitterBlue day.
Some of them are just funny, some raise some pretty legit #activism topics.
#Insulin courses that cost 10s of thousands? /yr in US are made for next to nothing & provided free essentially in some european countries.
#Coca-cola Sugary soft drinks & diabetes.
#LockheedMartin Arms dealing / interventions etc.
#Nestle & water extraction / aquifers etc.
#brands #twitterblue #activism #insulin #Coca #lockheedmartin #nestle
Perú: un pacto social “a la boliviana” con los cocaleros http://loquesomos.org/peru-un-pacto-social-a-la-boliviana-con-los-cocaleros/ #Coca #Cocaleros #Perú