David Fisher · @dfishstats
141 followers · 242 posts · Server fediscience.org

My colleagues Jayne Tierney and Sarah Burdett are giving a Support Web Clinic this morning on the topic of Prospective Collaborative training.cochrane.org/learning

#justfameit #metaanalysis #methods #Cochrane #mrcctu

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexander Schniedermann · @Aschniedermann
176 followers · 101 posts · Server fediscience.org

I found that
- academic age is highest for Reviews and narrative reviews, and lowest for PRISMA-based systematic reviews

Cochrane reviews require a lot of time and experience to perform. Narrative reviews require eminence because they provide a résumé and set future agendas. Standardized systematic reviews have a clear setting of procedures and tasks. They are ideal for PhD projects!


Last updated 1 year ago

Prof Bronwyn Hemsley · @BronwynHemsley
448 followers · 578 posts · Server fediscience.org

What are and health providers' views and experiences of working in formal partnerships to plan, deliver and evaluate health services? |


#Cochrane #consumers

Last updated 1 year ago

Prof Bronwyn Hemsley · @BronwynHemsley
447 followers · 568 posts · Server fediscience.org

NEW and health providers’ views and perceptions of partnering to improve health services design, delivery and evaluation: a co‐produced qualitative evidence synthesis - Merner, B - 2023 | Cochrane Library
(Congratulations Bronwyn and team!)


#inclusion #consumervoices #HealthServices #consumers #Cochrane

Last updated 1 year ago

StephenC · @StephenC
267 followers · 2991 posts · Server aus.social

@pfred60 @auscovid19 I think that too many doctors learned about and have not been able to move past that to atmospheric transmissions. They have confused public mask use with masks in operating theatre. The review has done to what the BMJ did to vaccines and .

#semmelweis #Cochrane #covid #measles #autism

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
924 followers · 1676 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Cochrane Mask Study: Bad Science Amplified by Bad Journalism into another Covid Conspiracy

Last month, the media claimed that the most “rigorous and extensive review of the scientific literature” concluded that masks don’t reduce the spread of Covid. Their source: the infamous Cochrane Review,, which examined 78 studies that supposedly looked at the effects of masks on preventing infections. However, only 6 of these were done during the Covid pandemic. The 72 others examined influenza and nonpharmaceutical interventions other than masking. Only 2 of the 78 studies were specifically about Covid and masking & both of these showed that masking DOES reduce Covid infections.

Lead author Tom Jefferson works for the Brownstone Institute, a Covid misinformation factory that is funded by dark money. The Cochrane Library came out with a statement on Friday saying that the characterization of the findings is misleading and that the review was inconclusive.

#covid #Cochrane #masking #CovidIsNotOver #fakenews

Last updated 1 year ago

sk8punk · @sk8punk
183 followers · 12344 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

RT @BR24
Eine Review des Forschungsnetzwerks sorgte im Februar für Aufregung: Angeblich beweise sie, hätten in der -Pandemie wenig oder nichts genutzt. Nun hat die Cochrane-Chefredakteurin diese Deutung als falsch zurückgewiesen.

#Cochrane #Masken #corona

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Rücker · @martinruecker
534 followers · 715 posts · Server metalhead.club

RT @m_grill
Die Collaboration räumt mit Falschinterpretationen ihrer Studie zu Masken auf: Der Nutzen von Masken (wenn sie richtig getragen werden) ist unstrittig. Untersucht wurde aber, welchen Effekt die Empfehlung (!) zum Maske-Tragen hatte. sz.de/1.5767982

#ffp2 #masken #Cochrane

Last updated 1 year ago

Gernot Lasser · @gla
6 followers · 87 posts · Server troet.cafe

Spät, aber letztlich doch rudert @Cochrane_DE zurück. Bitte teilen, danke!

Danke @EckerleIsabella !

RT @EckerleIsabella
Das angesehene Cochrane-Netzwerk rudert zurück bei Studie zur Schutzwirkung von Masken, die kürzlich sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen hat. Man wünscht sich, dass Kollegen & Journalisten, die die Studie so hervorgehoben haben, dies nun auch klarstellen. Masken schützen! https://twitte…


Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfgang Hagen · @docjosiahboone
2631 followers · 3038 posts · Server wien.rocks

Anmerkung zum Review über bei selbst:

Ich habe den immer respektvoll auftretenden Michael Osterholm noch selten so wütend gehört we hier im Podcast ab Minute 39 bzw im Transkript.

Anhören oder lesen, dann bleiben keine weiteren Fragen zum Thema.


#Masken #Cochrane

Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfgang Hagen · @docjosiahboone
2631 followers · 3038 posts · Server wien.rocks

Die Chefredakteurin der Library veröffentlichte nun ein Statement zum von mit dem Thema befassten Wissenschaftler:innen hart kritisierten und von Querdenkern gefeierten Review über die Wirksamkeit von Masken.

"Many commentators have claimed that a recently-updated Cochrane Review shows that 'masks don't work', which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation."

Schön. Aber dass dieses zahme Statement 1½ Monate brauchte und dass das Review weiterhin ohne irgendeinen Hinweis veröffentlicht ist, zeigt, dass Cochrane bei all seinen enormen Verdiensten um Evidence based Medicine offenbar Probleme in der Führungsebene hat.

#Cochrane #COVID19 #Masken

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Rücker · @martinruecker
530 followers · 704 posts · Server metalhead.club

Da sollten einige Redaktionen jetzt mal endgültig ihre Artikel über den Review korrigieren.
RT @zeynep
NEWS: Cochrane says lead author of a mask review misrepresented its findings, apologizes for summary statement that was imprecise and says they will update it.

They say their review did NOT find masks don't work.

Plus, I examine the actual evidence.

#masken #Cochrane

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricketson · @ricketson
18 followers · 50 posts · Server kolektiva.social

It looks like much of the politicization of the new Cochrane report comes from "City-Journal"(footnote 1), which is the mass-media arm of the Manhattan Institute. However, the author of the Cochrane report seems to be fully supportive of this aggressive politicizing of his work (2).

I haven't given much attention to the Manhattan Institute before, so I wanted to look into them. A quick look at the CityJournal Twitter feed showed them to be strident partisans. The City Journal essay (1) is nothing more than factionalist self-congratulation (i.e. not reporting, not even a coherent argument). The Manhattan Institute itself is clearly meant as a conservative propaganda machine, though they frequently take the stance of "we are just seeking the truth".

The Manhattan Institute is the type of right-wing propaganda that appeals to intellectuals who may be turned off by the crudeness of Fox News. They 'support' their assertions with mountains of (cherry picked) data. Some people think it's just a giant trolling operation aimed at centrist and left-leaning intellectuals -- wasting their time responding to the massive piles of jibberish, out of respect for their conservative colleagues who think this stuff is important.

The propagandistic mission of the Manhattan Institute is on full display in their survey report about "Critical Social Justice" in schools (3). Leaving aside the scientific problems with the analysis, it's pretty clear that their goal is to figure out how to promote conservative ideas in public schools and raise the next generation of Republican voters. Yet through this, they give lip service to the idea that they are trying to prevent indoctrination in the schools. As if the way you prevent indoctrination is to purge opposing ideas. The seem to have objection to the capitalist framing that is pervasive throughout state-run schools.

Finally, I'll note that the MI's 'about' page highlights an endorsement from the Claremont Institute, placing MI squarely in the same network as the CI (4). They don't seem bothered by the CI's firm support for John Eastman (5), who is a Senior Fellow at the CI and publicly argues for establishing tyranny in the USA (via revoking citizenship for the children of immigrants like Kamala Harris (6), and advising Trump to try to organize a coup while Eastman provided legal propaganda to justify it (7)).

2. maryannedemasi.substack.com/p/
3. manhattan-institute.org/school
4. manhattan-institute.org/about
5. claremont.org/scholar-bio/john
6. newsweek.com/some-questions-ka
7. cnn.com/2021/09/22/politics/tr

#manhattaninstitute #propaganda #conservative #rightwing #education #covid #masking #Cochrane #claremontinstitute #JohnEastman #antifa #usa #gop #trump

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricketson · @ricketson
18 followers · 49 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This emphasis on "randomized controlled trials" reminds me of the enthusiasm for 'evidence based medicine', which likewise has a tendency to dismiss any evidence that does not come from this rigid experimental design. While focusing on RCTs can be a way to filter out non-rigorous research, it discards a lot of good research without guaranteeing that the remaining research is itself rigorous. This isn't how real science works (e.g. sciencebasedmedicine.org/hello). This focus on RCT seems to be the epitome of the capitalist bureaucratization of knowledge -- it's not about understanding the world, it's about concentrating power.

#science #Cochrane #rct #evidence #medicine

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Rücker · @martinruecker
529 followers · 653 posts · Server metalhead.club

RT @ErnMedBlog
Neue Datenlage zu & : Während das -Review aus dem Jahr 2016 noch Vorteile für die VitD-Gabe sah, ist das aufgrund neuerer Studien (mit moderater & hoher Evidenz) NICHT mehr der Fall. ⬇️ ... twitter.com/CochraneLibrary/st

#Cochrane #vitamind #asthma

Last updated 1 year ago

Json Doe · @jdoe
33 followers · 1335 posts · Server freeradical.zone

Masks don't work says a study. Wait what, seriously? (No)

Actually this

#COVID19 #masks #science #Cochrane #stevennovella

Last updated 1 year ago

morgandawn · @morgandawn
318 followers · 459 posts · Server sfba.social


Do work?

"The authors of the review ultimately concluded there was no evidence of masks making a difference. On top of the limitations described above, keep in mind that “no evidence of a difference” is different from “evidence of no difference.”

Don’t use an inconclusive
review to reject the value of masks, or any other intervention for that matter. 


#masks #Cochrane #covid

Last updated 1 year ago

MEZIS e.V. · @mezis
271 followers · 45 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Auch der -"Blockbuster" bringt keinen Überlebensvorteil.
Wußte man schon länger, die aktuelle -Analyse bestätigt es nochmals:
"Based on the available evidence up to 31 May 2022, remdesivir probably has little or no effect on all‐cause mortality or in‐hospital mortality of individuals with moderate to severe COVID‐19."

Dann hoffen wir mal, dass die AMWF-Leitlinie dazu ihre Empfehlungen überarbeitet:

... insbesondere weil dort doch einige Autoren Gelder von bekommen ...

... und die das nur als "moderaten " einschätzt.

#MEZIS #interessenkonflikt #awmf #gilead #Cochrane #remdesivir #covid

Last updated 1 year ago

Volksverpetzer · @Volksverpetzer
88566 followers · 1317 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Ja ich weiß, ihr wisst es eigentlich alle, aber noch mal: Die wissenschaftliche Evidenz, dass wirken, ist groß. Wir können euch hier auch 22 Studien und drei Meta-Studien zeigen, die das belegen. Warum soll das Gegenteil zeigen? Tun sie nicht, sagen sie sogar selbst. Sie geben selbst zu, dass das Studiendesign gravierende Mängel aufweist. Der Grund, wieso ausgerechnet diese Studie so viral ging, wird euch vielleicht (nicht) überraschen. volksverpetzer.de/faktencheck/

#Cochrane #masken

Last updated 2 years ago

Timo Ollech · @iromeister
56 followers · 2260 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de