On mastodon pressing home can freeze the browser, for a frustrating length of time.
I have switched to using a toolbar bookmark for my ~instance/home instead, and it is much faster/
I dont know what code is interfering, but I have gone so far as to remove "home" and the Masto logo so I dont forget and use it.
I've been away for here for a while, so a new #introduction is probably in order!
I'm #Jonathan, a #techie from the #UK. I do stuff on the #Ops end of the spectrum, but have screwed around with #code in most languages at 3am when Shit's Gone Wrong And Needs Fixing 😀
I enjoy leveraging smart, appropriate tech choices. I spent my previous career epoch in the #cloudfoundry ecosystem, but that's over now 😥
I'm extremely keen on #kindness & mutual #respect ... please follow only if you are, too!
#introduction #jonathan #techie #uk #ops #Code #cloudfoundry #kindness #respect
A friend who's learning python sent me this quiz question.
I don't know python, but after a quick search I still couldn't get the answer. The all seem like packages instead of frameworks to me (except for git for obvious reasons).
Any #python devs out there that could help?
#Programming #Code #learning #Tech #Python
Pro tip; if you disable your tests as part of your CI process, you get can get code to prod much faster.
It's on fire, but it'll be a fast burning wreckage.
#cicd #Programming #Tech #Code
I really dislike Utils classes in Java. They never age well, tend to make life very difficult to test, and spread all over the code like goo.
Avoid them!
(Unless you're writing a library like StringUtils - that's a different kettle of fish)
#architecture #Java #Programming #Code #Tech
This is a work of genius from @dylanbeattie :
"Two people have died in this home from #overdoses since this all started, and #code #enforcement has even cited the #homeowner for not properly maintaining the #house he legally can’t access."
And when the owner called the police, they arrested HIM!!
How the heck does this happen?!? 😡
#Atlanta: This man says #squatters took over his #home – he got #arrested when he called the #police on them
#iamdb #Police #arrested #home #Squatters #Atlanta #house #homeowner #enforcement #Code #overdoses
I really love #Honeycomb and #OpenTelemetry. Big fan of how it gives a much greater perspective of the entire system.
I will say though, that in Java with async methods across services can be a little... entertaining to get the telemetry right 😬
#observability #Tech #Code #opentelemetry #honeycomb
Started a new thing where I add music to each of my Pull Requests.
Matchin' the mood of the amount of effort I put into it...
"“Arthur had a knack for working hard without learning transferrable skills." #Dev #code #tech
I quite like VSCode. However setting up the formatter within it is a total nightmare! It really shouldn't be this difficult to use Prettier everywhere, right?
#Tech #Code #typescript #JavaScript #vscode
The #prosecution of the #TornadoCash developer for *checks notes* writing #FLOSS is a dangerous precedent, aimed at criminalizing writing #Code - espechally #OpenSource'd Code - in general.
Or will knifemakers be made responsible for domestic murders and car manufacturers for motorized violence against cyclists?
#OpenSource #Code #FLOSS #tornadocash #prosecution
🤖 Het robots.txt-bestand: een cruciale tool voor SEO. Optimaliseer je crawl-budget, voorkom duplicate content en ontlast je server. Maar pas op voor valkuilen! Leer van de fouten van TikTok, Twitter (X) en LinkedIn: https://frankwatching.com/archive/2023/07/27/robots-txt-seo-fout/ #SEO #robots #code #valkuilen
If you want to use #ChatGPT effectively as an assistant in writing #code here are things I try to remember:
- It can't multiply by zero knowledge. You have know what the generated code does.
- The code it generates is an approximation of “working code”.
- Always expect to have to fix or change the code it generates.
- Get good at creating prompts. Follow well-tested patterns.
Is there a reason why folks use Yarn instead of NPM?
They seem kinda the same now days?
#Programming #JavaScript #Code #js #node
#ITByte: #ChatGPT #Code #Interpreter plugin is a key feature - for not just programmers and data experts, but general users as well.
It can help analyze data, test code, make charts, solve math, and more.
#interpreter #Code #chatgpt #itbyte
I seemed to have totally missed the whole #x thing... but what a mess!
A few things stands out to me here. 🧵
#Twitter #Code #Programming #Development #Software #product #x
Qu’est-ce que le Datamatrix, le code-barre qui ressemble au QR code ?
https://www.numerama.com/tech/705491-quest-ce-que-le-datamatrix.html #Datamatrix #definition #Sciences #QRCode #Tech #Code
#Code #Tech #qrcode #sciences #definition #datamatrix