Gibt es eigentlich einen guten #Codeeditor für mobilgeräte. Ich denke da primär an mein Android Tablett. Als Anwendung sehe ich aktuell #webdev #html #css #javascript . Könnt ihr mir hier mir hier eine app empfehlen. Idealerweise eine #OpenSourceapp.
Is there actually a good #codeeditor for mobile devices. I'm thinking primarily of my Android tablet. As an application I currently see #webdev #html #css #javascript . Can you recommend me an app here. Ideally an #OpenSourceapp.
#Codeeditor #webdev #html #css #javascript #opensourceapp #followerpower
Is there any other alternatives to #replit?
As it seems like they just gonna nerf the paid plan by giving you less. But you end up paying more if you want the same features.
I use Replit as an #codeeditor and #IDE as it allows me to code and learn stuff in multiple different languages. HTML/css, python, Go which I practice on and C++ I do random shit on. It's kinda nice to go and click run to check if it does what it supposed to do. Instead of looking at text and guessing it runs correctly
Hey #CodeWriters, what do you use for writing? I've used #Panic #Nova and #Transmit for many years and am looking for a change.
1. I like the cross-platform compatibility.
2. I like the sync feature on Transmit (pushes up new code or simulates it first).
Any recommendations? Seeking both #FTP and a #CodeEditor. TIA 😊
#codewriters #panic #nova #transmit #ftp #Codeeditor