Finished Coffee Talk 2 last night. Seeing Fahmi in game brought tears to my eyes. We didn't even interact much, but we had a couple interactions on Twitter and I enjoyed their content.
Am still saddened by their passing.
New episode of #CoffeeTalk is up! This time we get introduced to a vampire from L.A. and a local #Seattle werewolf who drop in to our coffee shop.
I'm really enjoying this game, it's a real breath of fresh air and so so relaxing to play!
تواجدنا في مكناس بمناسبة المعرض الدولي للفلاحة كان فرصة لنلتقي بشباب المدينة خلال لقاء #CoffeeTalk حول دور و أهمية المشاركة المواطنة و لنستمع لأفكارهم و نقربهم أكثر من الفرص التي توفرها الشراكة بين 🇲🇦 و 🇪🇺 في مختلف المجالات.
شكرا لنسرين و أيوب و بهاء وكوثر على مشاركتهم معنا.
Never trust anyone who says they like essential oils in their coffee #coffeetalk
Coffee Talk Ep 2 Part 3 anyone? Let's make some drinks!
#linux #linuxgaming #CoffeeTalk
Gemütliches zocken auf der Couch mit dem #SteamDeck ist einfach herrlich.
Gestern Abend via Xcloud #CoffeeTalk beendet und heute werde ich wohl den letzten Rest von #Portal (nativ auf dem Deck) beenden 😉
#SteamDeck #CoffeeTalk #portal
The #CoffeeTalk series has ended, and the #EUJeelConnectors journey continues!
Their outstanding initiatives are making a positive impact, building a better future for all. Let's celebrate their work!
#EU4Youth #BuildingABetterFuture
#CoffeeTalk #EUJeelConnectors #EU4YOUth #BuildingABetterFuture
Finally, the game I've been wanting to talk about is out and so is my review. It's #CoffeeTalk2 and man it was so bloody good. I wanna just cry I love it so much.
#coffeetalk2 #gaming #CoffeeTalk
RT @AmbUeTunisie: #Coffeetalk pertinent avec jeunes tunisien.nes de milieux divers au siège d’@ErasmusTunisia.
Occasion de discuter: leurs ambitions, difficultés rencontrées, opportunités offertes par l’🇪🇺 & perspectives du partenariat 🇪🇺🇹🇳
@euneighbours @UeTunisie
RT @euneighbours: Check out the latest #CoffeeTalk video from Beja🇹🇳!
The @UeTunisie engaged with 30 young locals, gaining valuable insight on their concerns & perspectives on training, employment, environment, local development, and even transport.
Soon more 🇹🇳 Coffee Talks! 🇪🇺 #EUJeelConnect
Tavern Talk is a cozy talking simulator with drink mixing and #PnP humor heavily inspired by #CoffeeTalk, #MonsterProm, and our many #DnD sessions
#ttrpg #gamedev #indiegame #dnd #monsterprom #CoffeeTalk #pnp
Coffee Talk: Breville/Sage Bambino Plus #CoffeeTalk #Equipment #Espresso #Breville #Reviews #Food #Sage
#sage #food #reviews #breville #espresso #equipment #CoffeeTalk
Coffee Talk Episode 2 : Hibiscus & Butterfly disponible le 20 avril 2023 sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series et PC, des éditions physiques annoncées
#nintendodifference #Nintendo #nintendoswitch #coffeetalk #coffeetalkepisode2 #gameplay #MohammadFahmi #aventure #jeuxvideo #videogames #TogeProductions #HibiscusButterfly #physique #collector #indiegame #indiegames #eshop
#nintendodifference #Nintendo #nintendoswitch #CoffeeTalk #coffeetalkepisode2 #gameplay #mohammadfahmi #aventure #jeuxvideo #videogames #togeproductions #hibiscusbutterfly #physique #collector #indiegame #indiegames #eshop
من بين المحاور التي نرتكز عليها 🇪🇺 هي لقاؤنا بالشباب 🇲🇦 و تبادل الأفكار و الإجابة على أسئلتهم من خلال لقاءات #CoffeeTalk لمبادرة EU Jeel Connect.
📸 من رابع لقاء لنا مع الشباب في الدار البيضاء من تنظيم @NisrineELKETTA1.
Chill café visual novel Coffee Talk Episode 2 arrives this April - #CoffeeTalkEpisode2:Hibiscus&Butterfly; #VisualNovel&Dating; #TogeProductions #Indiescovery #CoffeeTalk #Social #Indie
#indie #social #CoffeeTalk #Indiescovery #togeproductions #visualnovel #CoffeeTalkEpisode2
It's a #CoffeeTalk soundtrack kinda morning.
#videogames #CoffeeTalkEpisode2 #gaymer #music #soundtrack #sonos #applemusic
#CoffeeTalk #videogames #CoffeeTalkEpisode2 #gaymer #music #soundtrack #sonos #applemusic
During the European Year of Youth #EYY2022, one of @euneighbours's key initiatives was the #EUJeelConnect #Coffeetalk series in 🇩🇿🇪🇬🇯🇴🇱🇧🇱🇾🇲🇦🇵🇸🇹🇳.
These conversations brought together young & talented people from the region with 🇪🇺 representatives from the delegations. #EU4Youth
#EYY2022 #EUJeelConnect #CoffeeTalk #EU4YOUth
RT @euneighbours: Here is a throwback to the 3rd #CoffeeTalk in 🇯🇴. This event brought together Jordanian youth & 🇪🇺 EU delegation representatives for an informal open discussion in Irbid 🇯🇴, focused on understanding the 🇪🇺 EU's role in supporting environmental & climate change issues. @EUinJordan
The last two indie games I played, #BrokTheInvestigator and #CoffeeTalk, both pulled the same sci-fi subgenre twist in the closing moments of their denouements.
They're both amazing games. I'd rather play either of them 6 times more than even start God of War Ragnarok. But man, I did not want this twist. I wanted a sincere closing on what was being built to.
I think that's what the alternate endings are for, but still, it feels insecure to have this as the accepted "canonical" ending
#CoffeeTalk #Broktheinvestigator