First time hearing a magic ordered in the wild since being in Aus, and it’s in Sydney. Never yet heard anyone (except me, out of curiosity) order one in Melb ☕️ #coffeedon
Do I know anyone who has a Picopresso? (put it on my wishlist and got one for Christmas). I’m delighted with it #coffee #Coffeedon
Hey #coffeedon #coffee #cleverdripper users:
Has anyone else been getting bad batches of cone filters that tear open in the last 6 months? Both store and name brand, one box will be fine, but another box and every single one will tear.
#Coffeedon #coffee #cleverdripper
Looking to get a good coffee machine. Think I have it narrowed down to a DeLonghi Primadonna Soul or Sage Touch. What does #Coffeedon recommend?
After 1 week social cleanse ☕
#coffee #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeewar #coffeeislife #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #Coffeedon #coffee
#coffee #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeewar #coffeeislife #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #Coffeedon
#Moin #MoinMastodon #MoinHamburg
#MoinWorld #goodmorning #goodmorningguys #kaffeecrema #kaffee #kaffeeliebe #kaffeetröt #cafe #café #CafeCrema #CaféCrème #coffee #CoffeeCreamer #coffeelover #coffeelove #Coffeedon #coffeebeans #coffeeporn #coffeenerds #coffeephotography #nofilter #TrötCafe #tröt #Pinkie #hamburg #farmsen #FarmsenBerne
#moin #moinmastodon #moinHamburg #moinworld #goodmorning #goodmorningguys #kaffeecrema #kaffee #kaffeeliebe #kaffeetrot #cafe #CafeCrema #cafecreme #coffee #CoffeeCreamer #coffeelover #coffeelove #Coffeedon #coffeebeans #coffeeporn #coffeenerds #coffeephotography #nofilter #trotcafe #Trot #pinkie #hamburg #farmsen #FarmsenBerne
Good morning & #HappyThanskgiving 💗
#coffee #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #Coffeedon #coffeeloversknow #coffeeislife #coffeenerd #coffeejunkie
#happythanskgiving #coffee #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #Coffeedon #coffeeloversknow #coffeeislife #coffeenerd #coffeejunkie
Good morning & #HappyThanksgiving! 💗
#coffee #coffeedon #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeemug #Coffeedon #coffeeloversknow #coffeeislife #coffeenerd #coffeejunkie
#happythanksgiving #coffee #Coffeedon #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeemug #coffeeloversknow #coffeeislife #coffeenerd #coffeejunkie
Good morning and #HappyThanksgiving 💗
#coffee #coffeegang #coffeebreak #coffeedon #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeenerd
#happythanksgiving #coffee #coffeegang #coffeebreak #Coffeedon #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeenerd
📢 NOTFALL!!! 🚨🚨🚨
Ich hatte heute noch keinen Kaffee ☕☕☕.
In so einem Fall garantiere ich für nichts! Wenn ich in eurer Nähe bin, auf den Boden legen, und auf Hilfe warten.
Wenn keine Hilfe kommt - VIEL GLÜCK!!!
#kaffee #kaffeeliebe #kaffeeholicer #Coffeedon
📢 NOTFALL!!! 🚨🚨🚨
Ich hatte heute noch keinen Kaffee ☕☕☕.
In so einem Fall garantiere ich für nichts! Wenn ich in eurer Nähe bin, auf den Boden legen, und auf Hilfe warten.
Wenn keine Hilfe kommt - VIEL GLÜCK!!!
#kaffee #kaffeeliebe #kaffeeholicer #Coffeedon
First run out for my new/replacement Bodum pour over #coffee maker this morning. Previous one sadly perished in a washing up accident.
#Coffeedon #pourovercoffee
#coffee #Coffeedon #pourovercoffee
Made a Ko-Fi :kofi: page for #Coffeedon :blobcatgiggle: