Prediction. Or advice. You pick.
Help Wanted:
Customer facing positions must not have had #Covid in the past
Driving positions: must not have had #Covid in the past
Dangerous quick thinking required positions: must not have had #Covid in the past
#LongCovid #CognitiveImpairment #CovidBrain #CovidIsNotOver #FutureJobs
#futurejobs #CovidIsNotOver #covidbrain #CognitiveImpairment #LongCovid #COVID
#CognitiveImpairment #Yoga How Yoga Could Help Older Women Ward Off Alzheimer’s -
Boosted by intranasal insulin
Mild impairment, Alzheimer's
Questioning if effective
#alzheimers #cognitiveimpairment #insulin #research #cinquain #poetry
#alzheimers #CognitiveImpairment #insulin #research #cinquain #poetry
Sleep's quality matters most
To guard against Alzheimer's risk
Take this warning to heart
#alzheimers #sleep #cognitiveimpairment #haiku #poetry
#alzheimers #sleep #CognitiveImpairment #haiku #poetry
Vascular changes, disruption
Retina barrier broken
Cognitive impairment
#alzheimers #vascularchanges #retina #cognitiveimpairment #study #cinquain #poetry
#alzheimers #vascularchanges #retina #CognitiveImpairment #study #cinquain #poetry
Cerebrospinal Fluid Offers Clues to Post-COVID ‘Brain Fog’ | UC San Francisco
#cerbrospinalfluid #LongCovid #brainfog #sarscov2 #brain #mildcovid #covid #inflammation #systemicinflammatoryresponse #turncoatantibodies #diabetes #CognitiveImpairment #vasculardementia #adhd #anxiety #depression #LearningDisabilities #alcohol #stimulants #hand #hiv #sars #mers #hepatitis #epsteinbarrvirus
#cognitiveimpairment UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers found that AI-powered voice analysis can help diagnose Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairment in early stages, potentially providing an efficient screening tool for primary care providers if confirmed by larger studies.
“We are the first to show reduced oxygen uptake in the brain during a cognitive task in the months following a symptomatic #COVID19 infection," Dr. Peter Hall, researcher in the School of Public Health Sciences at Waterloo and lead author of the study, said in a press release. "This is important because a lack of sufficient #oxygen supply is thought to be one of the mechanisms by which COVID-19 may cause #CognitiveImpairment."
#COVID19 #oxygen #CognitiveImpairment
High Fat Diet Activates Early Inflammation in Mouse Brains, Supports Link to Neurological Disease
High-fat diets promote early inflammatory responses in the brain via an immune pathway associated with diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. The findings suggest a link between metabolic dysfunction and cognitive impairment.
#Neuroscience #Neurology #Brain #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Neuroinflammation #Inflammation #Metabolism #MetabolicDysfunction #Diabetes #Alzheimer #CognitiveImpairment #Diet #HighFatDiet
#HighFatDiet #diet #CognitiveImpairment #Alzheimer #diabetes #MetabolicDysfunction #metabolism #inflammation #neuroinflammation #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #brain #neurology #neuroscience
#brainDamage #alzheimers #Dementia #CognitiveImpairment #CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience
All of this going to be a giant problem
Always clung to fact that China was doing the right thing, so if our Western society collapsed, there was always them
Now that dream went poof
We’re going to be society of young #zombieBug running the world just like that dark comedy sitcom #BrainDead
I don’t think #zombieApocalypse is #hyperbole #whatsoever anymore💔 #wearADamnMask #CleanAir #HEPA #maskHard
#braindamage #alzheimers #dementia #CognitiveImpairment #CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience #zombiebug #braindead #zombieapocalypse #hyperbole #whatsoever #WearADamnMask #cleanair #HEPA #maskhard
“It is now clear that some #diets are particularly good for the brain. One recent study concludes that sticking to the “#MediterraneanDiet”, high in #vegetables, #fruit, #pulses and #wholegrains, low in red and processed meats and saturated fats, decreases the chances of experiencing #strokes, #cognitiveimpairment and #depression. Other recent work looking at a “green” Mediterranean diet high in #polyphenols (the #antioxidants found in things like green tea) found it reduced age-related brain #atrophy. Another version, the #minddiet, emphasises, among other things, eating #berries over other kinds of fruit and seems to lessen the risk of #dementia.” #plantbased #plantbaseddiet
#diets #mediterraneandiet #vegetables #fruit #pulses #Wholegrains #strokes #CognitiveImpairment #depression #polyphenols #antioxidants #atrophy #minddiet #berries #dementia #plantbased #plantbaseddiet
“It is now clear that some #diets are particularly good for the brain. One recent study concludes that sticking to the “#MediterraneanDiet”, high in #vegetables, fruit, #pulses and #wholegrains, low in red and processed meats and saturated fats, decreases the chances of experiencing #strokes, #cognitiveimpairment and #depression.” #plantbased #plantbaseddiet
#plantbaseddiet #plantbased #Depression #CognitiveImpairment #strokes #wholegrains #Pulses #vegetables #mediterraneandiet #diets
Brain fog is better referred to as cognitive impairment. It covers things like memory problems, concentration problems, problems with executive function. For more information, this is a good article:
#CognitiveImpairment #brainfog #LongCovid
Yeh, I'm sceptical of taking thing like amitriptyline for pain in case I don't notice the overexertion, as you mentioned.
If brain fog is caused by problems with energy metabolism or blood/oxygen flow, then I don't see how certain treatments can help.
Thanks for the reply!
#CognitiveImpairment #brainfog #LongCovid
Has anyone tried Ritalin for cognitive impairment / brain fog in Long COVID? If so, how was it?
#NEISvoid #LongCovid #BrainFog #CognitiveImpairment #COVID #COVID19 #ritalin #mecfs
(Also my first time to use a CW and edit a post 😃 )
#mecfs #ritalin #COVID19 #COVID #CognitiveImpairment #brainfog #LongCovid #NEISvoid
"Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) presents as a range of symptoms that affect multiple organ systems. Enteric dysbiosis, neurological and immune dysfunction, as well as impaired mitochondrial function are implicated in the pathomechanism of ME/CFS."
Article in Science, 8 Sep 2022.
#Medicine #MEcfs #Science #Immunology #Microbiology #Neurology #Metabolism #Mitochondria #Vascular #CardioVascular #Dysautonomia #CognitiveImpairment
#CognitiveImpairment #Dysautonomia #cardiovascular #vascular #mitochondria #metabolism #neurology #microbiology #immunology #Science #mecfs #medicine