Hot off the press!! "A framework for cognitive chatbots based on abductive-deductive inference" on Cognitive Systems Research:
#AI #cognitiveAI #artificialintelligence #chatbot #reasoning #cognitivesystems
#CognitiveSystems #reasoning #chatbot #artificialintelligence #CognitiveAI #ai
Today is #WorldBookDay and I am glad to provide with a list of the themes touched by Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds (Routledge, 2021) and the corresponding #perspectives offered in the #book.
#AI #cognitiveAI #cognitivesystems #cognitivescience #chatgpt #largelanguagemodels #cognitivedesignforartifialminds
#cognitivedesignforartifialminds #largelanguagemodels #chatgpt #cognitivescience #CognitiveSystems #CognitiveAI #ai #book #perspectives #worldbookday
š» Webinar hosted by Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (Brazil) | ā” about my book "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" (Routledge, 2021), which explains the crucial role that human cognition research plays in the design and development of artificial intelligence systems.
š Save the date:
TUE, APRIL 4, 2023
ā° 6:00pm (CET) / 14h00 (Brazilian time)
ā¶ļø Access:
Unifesp Live Channel on Youtube Transmission:
#CognitiveAI #CognitiveSystems #ai
This week, the book Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds ( reached the position #18 of the global chart on for the category "Artificial Intelligence"
@Book review:
Editorial reviews:
The #book is available in many webstores:
- Routledge:
- Taylor & Francis:
#artificialintelligence #cognitivesystems #cognitivescience #AI #cognitiveAI
#CognitiveAI #ai #cognitivescience #CognitiveSystems #artificialintelligence #book
Iām very excited about this paper we recently published at advances in #CognitiveSystems:
We present a new framework for acquiring a language model from corpora that supports incremental updating. Our approach, which uses a kind of probabilistic discrimination tree representation, can dynamically grow and adjust its structure during online learning (beyond parameter tuning). Its modular knowledge should also let it avoid catastrophic forgetting effects. #ai #ml
I chatted with a futurist who disliked the term #AI preferring Intelligence Augmentation (#IA) because they view AI as a tool rather than a human replacement.
Despite my #HCI upbringing, I found myself arguing that not all AI is augmentation. I noted that #CognitiveSystems is about understanding the nature of the mind and that I view #AI as exploring how minds can be built.
I also referenced human-machine teaming (#HMT), which frames #AI as teammates not tools.
What do you think?
#ai #IA #HCI #CognitiveSystems #hmt
Some photos from my invited tutorial on "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" at the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence in Udine: #AI #cognitivearchitectures #cognitiveAI #cybernetics #artificialintelligence #cognitivesystems #research #academiclife
#academiclife #research #CognitiveSystems #artificialintelligence #cybernetics #CognitiveAI #cognitivearchitectures #ai
Lieto, A., Lebiere, C., & Oltramari, A. (2018). The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments. Cognitive Systems Research, 48, 39-55.
#knowledgerepresentation #knowledgeprocessing #cognitivearchitectures #cognitivesystems #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #computationalcognitivescience #commonsensereasoning #cognitivesystems #cognitivemodelling
#cognitivemodelling #commonsensereasoning #computationalcognitivescience #ai #artificialintelligence #CognitiveSystems #cognitivearchitectures #knowledgeprocessing #knowledgerepresentation
Lieto, Antonio, Lebiere, Christian, & Oltramari, Alessandro (2018). The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments. Cognitive Systems Research, 48, 39-55.
#knowledgerepresentation #knowledgeprocessing #semanticmemory #cognitivearchitectures #cognitivesystems #ArtificialIntelligence #cognitivemodelling #computationalcognitivescience #AI
#ai #computationalcognitivescience #cognitivemodelling #artificialintelligence #CognitiveSystems #cognitivearchitectures #semanticmemory #knowledgeprocessing #knowledgerepresentation
#Collective of agents (animals, neurons, mathematical structures) can solve problems. We also develop AI approaches based on Model Theory and Universal Algebra.
#maths #mathematics #logic #algebra #CategoryTheory #types #ComputerScience
#Neuroscience, #CollectiveBehavior #CollectiveIntelligence
#MachineLearning #ComputerVision
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence
#artificialintelligence #ai #CognitiveSystems #symbolicAi #computervision #machinelearning #collectiveintelligence #CollectiveBehavior #neuroscience #computerscience #types #categorytheory #algebra #logic #mathematics #maths #collective #introduction
Interested in #CognitiveSystems?
The Tenth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems ( will take place from 1PM on Saturday, November 19 into the late afternoon on Monday, November 21st. Additional workshops will occur on Tuesday, November 22nd.
The conference will be hybrid and free to virtual attendees. Virtual registration is here:
Here are the topics covered:
#Introduction I do #CognitiveSystems and #HCI research to better understand how people teach and learn and to build machines that can teach and learn like people do.
What is #CognitiveSystems? It aims to better understand the nature of the mind. It adopts a broad perspective that revisits earlier classical #SymbolicAI ideas in light of recent advancements. I like to think of my work as #NeoclassicalAI, or as @shiwali nicely puts it, the OG #AI.
Here is a non-AI generated photo of my dog!
#Introduction #CognitiveSystems #HCI #SymbolicAI #NeoclassicalAI #ai
In few weeks I will give an invited tutorial at AI*IA 2022 in Udine (, the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for #ArtificialIntelligence, on (some of) the topics covered in my #book "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" (
#AI #cognitivesystems #CognitiveAI #cognitivescience #computationalmodelsofmind #cognitivescience #computationalcognitivescience #computationalmodelsofcognition
#computationalmodelsofcognition #computationalcognitivescience #computationalmodelsofmind #cognitivescience #CognitiveAI #CognitiveSystems #ai #book #artificialintelligence
#Introduction Hi, this is Antonio, an #AI and #CognitiveScience Researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Turin (Italy) and an ACM Distinguished Speaker
Research areas: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Humans and Machines, Language Technologies, #CognitiveSystems and Architectures, Persuasive Technologies.
I have authored the book "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" (Routledge, 2021):
More info here:
#CognitiveSystems #cognitivescience #ai #introduction