Hi folks, another #introduction now that there are LOADs more people here (& I understand things a bit more!). Im a professor of #neuroscience and #mentalhealth at #UCL. Interested in how and why people feel #anxiety from both and adaptive and #psychiatry perspective. Also how different treatments (both #psychology and #pharmacology) work, and if we can target them better. We use #ComputationalPsychiatry, #translational #CognitiveTasks and #neuroimaging in humans.
#neuroimaging #CognitiveTasks #translational #computationalpsychiatry #pharmacology #psychology #psychiatry #anxiety #ucl #mentalhealth #neuroscience #introduction
The automation of #CognitiveTasks through #ArtificialIntelligence brings new opportunities but has an impact on workers’ safety & health. What are risks and how to protect workers? @EU_OSHA offers publications assessing the latest research on the topic: https://osha.europa.eu/en/highlights/advanced-robotics-and-ai-automation-cognitive-tasks#pk_campaign=sm_
#CognitiveTasks #ArtificialIntelligence