(((@amarois))) · @amarois
258 followers · 1615 posts · Server mamot.fr

[Listening] ça parle guerre cognitive là sur ➡️ "L'affaire TikTok et le spectre de la guerre cognitive : nos cerveaux comme ultimes champs de bataille ?" sur radiofrance.fr/franceinter/pod

#franceinter #radiofrance #CognitiveWarfare #warefare #cogsci #tiktok

Last updated 1 year ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
67 followers · 1573 posts · Server mastodon.uy

As stated above, attempting to influence the public is not new. Politicians, generals, market
leaders, and other influencers have been using rhetoric, propaganda, and messaging to
manipulate public opinion for years. What is new are the tools for doing so, and subsequently the reach that can be achieved. The internet, social media, and the 24-hour news cycle allow for
constant flows of information making it easier than ever to influence the human mind, and the freedoms afforded to citizens of NATO member countries make it easier to do so.


Last updated 1 year ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
67 followers · 1566 posts · Server mastodon.uy
Michel Salim :TwinPines: · @michel_slm
153 followers · 1319 posts · Server social.coop

> Militaries are racing to develop weapons that could one day directly assault or disable human minds. We ignore this broader context at our peril


#CognitiveWarfare #geopolitics #military #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Marielle Wijermars · @Marielle_W
1035 followers · 249 posts · Server mastodon.social

This is why, precisely because of my dislike of the concept of 'hybrid warfare', I've participated in events hosted by Hybrid CoE.

Maintaining a critical stance towards strategic concepts and their analytical value is essential, and this is exactly where scholars can meaningfully contribute.


#polisci #commodon #security #russia #nato #hybridwarfare #informationwarfare #CognitiveWarfare

Last updated 2 years ago

Marielle Wijermars · @Marielle_W
1035 followers · 248 posts · Server mastodon.social

The position of academics in creating and sustaining these strategic concept fashions (resulting in poor, and potentially harmful analysis) is indeed a complicated one.

To be 'policy-relevant' you necessarily have to 'play along' to some extent (your critique will only be found if you use the actual term, thereby adding to the 'fashion').


#polisci #commodon #security #russia #nato #informationwarfare #CognitiveWarfare

Last updated 2 years ago

Marielle Wijermars · @Marielle_W
1035 followers · 247 posts · Server mastodon.social

Within sec/policy and adjacent analytical circles, I've found surprisingly little willingness to question the key assumptions underlying the concept of cognitive warfare, which is reminiscent of how hybrid warfare was used (and what Libiseller describes in her article).


#polisci #commodon #security #russia #nato #informationwarfare #CognitiveWarfare

Last updated 2 years ago

Marielle Wijermars · @Marielle_W
1035 followers · 246 posts · Server mastodon.social

The concept of cognitive warfare goes even further than the previous ones (hybrid, information..), since it assumes threat actors can achieve manipulation on the level of how elites and civilians-at-large think and act. This, again, can legitimate far-reaching interventions into civilian life (e.g. surveillance) for threat detection.


#polisci #commodon #security #russia #nato #informationwarfare #CognitiveWarfare

Last updated 2 years ago

Marielle Wijermars · @Marielle_W
1035 followers · 245 posts · Server mastodon.social

I would argue that most of the patterns Libiseller describes, similarly apply to 'information warfare', which got its launch into 'fashion' after the 2016 US elections and Brexit (and there has been an interesting interplay between the two concepts as well).

The exact same is happening once again, this time with the concept of 'cognitive warfare'.


#polisci #commodon #security #russia #nato #informationwarfare #CognitiveWarfare

Last updated 2 years ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
40 followers · 624 posts · Server mastodon.uy
Yanamono · @sebastianlara
40 followers · 621 posts · Server mastodon.uy

Experiencias en base a las cuales se teoriza e implementa la guerra cognitiva, la canadiense contra los , en las españas con la ZEN en y la guerra de Irak 2003, fueron laboratorios iniciales al norte. Conflueyen gobiernos, la industria belica y prensa, el capital financiero..., construyendo una narrativa acorde a sus intereses, todo esto antes de los algoritmos. Hoy vivimos esa siempre nueva "normalidad".

#euskalherria #pueblosindigenas #eschizophrenia #CognitiveWarfare

Last updated 2 years ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
5 followers · 85 posts · Server mastodon.uy

overlaps with Big Tech corporations and mass surveillance, because “it’s all about leveraging the big data,” du Cluzel explained. “We produce data everywhere we go. Every minute, every second we go, we go online. And this is extremely easy to leverage those data in order to better know you and use that knowledge to change the way you think.”


Last updated 2 years ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
5 followers · 69 posts · Server mastodon.uy

“Cognitive warfare seeks to change not only what people think, but also how they act,” the Canadian government wrote in its official statement on the challenge. “Attacks against the cognitive domain involve the integration of cyber, disinformation/misinformation, psychological, and social-engineering capabilities.”


Last updated 2 years ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
5 followers · 66 posts · Server mastodon.uy

“The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century,” the report stressed. “Humans are the contested domain,” and “future conflicts will likely occur amongst the people digitally first and physically thereafter in proximity to hubs of political and economic power.


Last updated 2 years ago

Yanamono · @sebastianlara
5 followers · 64 posts · Server mastodon.uy

Now, NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded cognitive warfare. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the new method involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”


Last updated 2 years ago

Wikileaks Italian · @WikileaksItalian
500 followers · 630 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Studio su nuova forma di guerra, la "guerra cognitiva"
L'obiettivo è rendere tutti un'arma..gli esseri umani sono il dominio conteso..si verificheranno conflitti tra le persone prima digitalmente e poi fisicamente in prossimità di centri di potere politico ed economico.

#CognitiveWarfare #nato

Last updated 3 years ago