Trust Wallet Partners with Three Companies to Offer Crypto Tax Reporting - Trust Wallet users will receive a discount on generating their tax report.
Contin... - #trustwallettoken(twt) #cointracker #trustwallet #marketnews #technology #zz_popular #coinpanda #zz_index #zz_top #koinly
#koinly #zz_top #zz_index #coinpanda #zz_popular #technology #marketnews #trustwallet #CoinTracker #trustwallettoken
Rund 230 Millionen Deezer-Datensätze zu Have I been pwned hinzugefügt
Bei einem Einbruch in einen Deezer-Dienstleister konnten offenbar rund 230 Millionen Datensätze kopiert werden. Have I been pwned hat sie jetzt hinzugefügt.
#CoinTracker #Datenklau #Deezer #EMail #Einbruch #Passwortklau #Security
#CoinTracker #datenklau #deezer #email #einbruch #passwortklau #security
1,5 Millionen Mailadressen aus #CoinTracker-Datenleck bei Have I been pwned | heise online #Datenschutz #privacy #DataLeak #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency
#cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #dataleak #privacy #datenschutz #CoinTracker
1,5 Millionen Mailadressen aus CoinTracker-Datenleck bei Have I been pwned
Das Have-I-been-pwned-Projekt hat mehr als 1,5 Millionen Datensätze aus einem Datenklau bei CoinTracker erhalten. Nutzer können prüfen, ob sie betroffen sind.
#CoinTracker #datenklau #passwortklau #security #news
So I got this email today, and it puzzled me because I've never had any affiliation with, nor created any accounts with CoinTracker. BUT, when you go to the CoinTracker website, look what's plastered right on their front page. So if you have an account with #Coinbase, #CoinTracker probably has your information for tax filing purposes.
#coinbase #CoinTracker #privacy #security #cybersecurity #crypto #cryptocurrency
So I got this email today, and it puzzled me because I've never had any affiliation with, nor created any accounts with CoinTracker. BUT, when you go to the CoinTracker website, look what's plastered right on their front page. So if you have an account with #Coinbase, #CoinTracker probably has your information for tax filing purposes.
#privacy #security #cybersecurity #crypto #cryptocurrency @hen @thenewoil @sr
#coinbase #CoinTracker #privacy #security #cybersecurity #crypto #cryptocurrency