I run a #PurpleAir sensor in #ColeValley #SanFrancisco. I use the #AQI, temp, and other data to satisfy my own curiosity as well as for home automation. But my main motivation is to contribute my own bit of data to the common good. https://map.purpleair.com/1/i/mAQI/a0/p604800/cC5?select=67293
#purpleair #ColeValley #sanfrancisco #AQI
With this Bee’s Knees #cocktail, I went all-in on #DrinkLocal #SanFrancisco: Junípero gin from Hotaling & Co. (née Anchor Distilling), honey from hives in #TheMission, and juiced Meyer lemon from my #ColeValley neighbor’s tree. It was as tasty as you might imagine.
#cocktail #drinklocal #sanfrancisco #themission #ColeValley
I romantically would like to think my wild #SanFrancisco #sourdough starter has a bit of the #AnchorBrewing yeast in it, but I suspect that strain is not part of the #ColeValley microbiome. Maybe our fog adds something, though!
#sanfrancisco #sourdough #anchorbrewing #ColeValley
Cole Valley, circa 1895
View west from about Parnassus & Clayton
I'll admit, this one is hard to visualize but the two houses on the right still stand at 140 & 138 Carl Street. Development ensued soon after this & had already started north of the view toward Haight.
#SFHistory #sanfranciscohistory #ColeValley
Joelle or Bernie’s Excellent Adventure.
#DogsOfMastodon #DogTaxi #Bicycle #CargoBike #ColeValley #SanFrancisco
#dogsofmastodon #dogtaxi #bicycle #cargobike #ColeValley #sanfrancisco
Saturday brunch