Ranked list of the 30 Nicolas Cage movies I've seen.
#NicolasCage #TheOldWay #Renfield #ColorOutofSpace #RaisingArizona #PigMovie
#pigmovie #raisingarizona #ColorOutofSpace #renfield #theoldway #nicolascage
@juanbauty Yo #Mandy la recomiendo mucho, me chifla. La de #ColorOutofSpace no me encajó, pero creo que en parte fue mi culpa: iba esperando la nueva Mandy y es otro rollo diferente.
También tienes #BeyondTheBlackRainbow , que la puse por aquí el otro día: #TheViewing bebe bastante de su opera prima.
#theviewing #beyondtheblackrainbow #ColorOutofSpace #mandy
'Color Out of Space' (2020) Review: A Freak of Madness http://hub.me/anjmc Richard Stanley's Color Out of Space had a brief theatrical run back at the end of January. It's now due out on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K Blu-ray on February 25th. #ColorOutofSpace #moviereview #NicolasCage #RichardStanley #HPLovecraft #scifi #sciencefiction #horror #cosmichorror #movies #DVD #Bluray #4KBluray #Movies #RLJEFilms #ImageEntertainment #newrelease
#nicolascage #RichardStanley #hplovecraft #scifi #sciencefiction #horror #cosmichorror #movies #bluray #4KBluray #rljefilms #ColorOutofSpace #moviereview #dvd #ImageEntertainment #newrelease
Top 20 Films of 2019 http://hub.me/andS3 #topfilmsof2019 #moviereviews #list #top20 #bestof #2019 #film #movies #TheLighthouse #TheNightingale #DoctorSleep #Midsommar #FirstLove #TheArtofSelfDefense #JojoRabbit #AvengersEndgame #ToyStory4 #LastBlackManSF #MarriageStory #Parasite #Deerskin #IntheShadowoftheMoon #KokodiKokoda #TheGangsterTheCopTheDevil #StevenUniverseTheMovie #ColorOutofSpace #WeatheringwithYou #RobertEggers #JenniferKent #TakashiMiike
#topfilmsof2019 #moviereviews #list #top20 #bestof #film #movies #thelighthouse #thenightingale #doctorsleep #midsommar #firstlove #theartofselfdefense #jojorabbit #avengersendgame #toystory4 #LastBlackManSF #marriagestory #parasite #deerskin #intheshadowofthemoon #KokodiKokoda #thegangsterthecopthedevil #stevenuniversethemovie #ColorOutofSpace #weatheringwithyou #RobertEggers #JenniferKent #TakashiMiike