🥰 Just watched this 40 year old interview with Roberta & Ken Williams.
Among other topics, they give insights about the early days of Sierra On-Line and the collaboration wit Jim Henson. 😺
It is always fascinating to see how far ahead of their time these two were! 😮
Also: what a lovely backdrop for an interview! 😍
(Duration: 11 min)
#PointAndClick #AdventureGames #SierraOnLine #RobertaWilliams #KenWilliams #ColossalCave3DAdventure
#ColossalCave3DAdventure #kenwilliams #robertawilliams #sierraonline #adventuregames #pointandclick
Every indie game shown at Day Of The Devs digital showcase, November 2022 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/every-indie-game-shown-at-day-of-the-devs-digital-showcase-november-2022 #FrogDetective3:CorruptionatCowboyCounty #Atari50:TheAnniversaryCelebration #Snufkin:MelodyofMoominvalley #ColossalCave3DAdventure #DeadPetsUnleashed #Evolutis:Duality #SunshineShuffle #MinatheHollower #ThirstySuitors #EscapeAcademy #SamuraiZero #SlimeHeroes #WhattheBat? #SeaofStars #Gunbrella #TerraNil #Surmount
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