The German Government's #combustionengine is "creating chaos" without results.
“So far, Volker Wissing has achieved nothing. Non-binding declarations are not a sensible solution”, says Jens Gieseke MEP.
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🚗We oppose the planned ban on cars with a #combustionengine & criticise the German Government for "creating chaos" without results.
“What Minister Wissing is now proposing is just as non-binding as the recital from last year”, says Jens Gieseke.
🚗We oppose the planned ban on cars with a #combustionengine & criticise the German Government for "creating chaos" without results.
“What Minister Wissing is now proposing is just as non-binding as the recital from last year”, says Jens Gieseke.
The German Government's #combustionengine is "creating chaos" without results.
“So far, Volker Wissing has achieved nothing. Non-binding declarations are not a sensible solution”, says Jens Gieseke MEP.
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🚨 Zero results of German Government's #combustionengine chaos!
From the beginning, the EPP Group has opposed the planned ban on cars with combustion engines. We criticise the German Government for "creating chaos" without results!
Read Jens Gieseke’s view⬇️
This is blackmail. It is one thing when Orban does it, because he has deliberately steered Hungary out of the European way, and a totally different thing when Germany does it. Threatens to blow up the consensual climate in the EU decision-making process. A very dangerous path to follow
#germany #CombustionEngine #decisionmaking #blackmail
German bid to tweak EU gas car phase-out peeves partners
#CombustionEngine #climateneutrality #environment
The CO2 standards for cars legislation being blocked now because of e-fuels is ridiculous.
Why this obsession with something that is so inefficient? 🤯
We welcome that more and more Socialist and Liberal governments are now joining our opposition to the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We now call on EU Member States to do the same!
Read Jens Gieseke MEP’s view:
We welcome that more and more Socialist and Liberal governments are now joining our opposition to the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We now call on EU Member States to do the same!
Read Jens Gieseke MEP’s view:
We welcome that more and more Socialist and Liberal governments are now joining our opposition to the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We now call on EU Member States to do the same!
Read Jens Gieseke MEP’s view:
We welcome that more and more Socialist and Liberal governments are now joining our opposition to the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We now call on EU Member States to do the same!
Read Jens Gieseke MEP’s view:
We welcome that more and more Socialist and Liberal governments are now joining our opposition to the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We now call on EU Member States to do the same!
Read Jens Gieseke MEP’s view:
🚗The EPP Group calls on EU Member States to vote against the planned ban on cars with a #combustionengine. Why?
👉It will make new cars more expensive, cost thousands of jobs and lead to the decline of a core European industry!
Read more:
We welcome that more and more Socialist and Liberal governments are now joining our opposition to the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We now call on EU Member States to do the same!
Read Jens Gieseke MEP’s view:
We welcome the postponement of the vote on the ban on #combustionengine.
For a year and a half, the EPP Group has been fighting against the potential ban, and we are glad to see that others are starting to see the pitfalls.
Think twice, think wise @EUCouncil
RT @EPPGroup: The vote on the ban on cars with a #combustionengine in the Council is postponed!
"All those who have only realised now that they support the EPP Group position against this ban at the last minute before a planned vote have our full support", says MEP Jens Gieseke.
The postponement of vote on the ban on cars with combustion engines in the Council is positive news.
“It should be our task to make cars with a #combustionengine as CO2 efficient as possible, not to forbid them”, says MEP Jens Gieseke.
RT @EPPGroup: The postponement of vote on the ban on cars with combustion engines in the Council is positive news.
“It should be our task to make cars with a #combustionengine as CO2 efficient as possible, not to forbid them”, says MEP Jens Gieseke.
EUs ensidige sats på elbiler er (self) ikke nok til at holde på arbejdspladserne i bilindustrien… statsstøtte og en mere innovativ tilgang til grønnest mulig transportsektor lokker selv den mest europæiske virksomhed…
RT @EPPGroup: The EPP Group has consistently voted against the ban on cars with a #combustionengine.
We welco…
#eudk #konkurrencedygtighed #CombustionEngine