Vom #ManifestfürFrieden gehört, gleich online gegangen - für #comeBackAlive gespendet. 🇺🇦
#ComeBackAlive #manifestfurfrieden
Are you on the right side of history?
#nafogram #NAFOfellas #Fellas #Infowar #Psyop #personoftheyear #СлаваУкраїні #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable #NAFOExpansionIsNotNegotiable #NAFO #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine️ #cancelrussia #UkraineWillWin #russiaisaterroriststate #острівЗмії́ний #ComeBackAlive #Zelenskyy #zelenskiy #zelensky #fightingfordemocracy #DisinfoDispenser #Disinformation #russianinvasion #putinisawarcriminal #NAFOverified #putinhitler #nonegotiations #NaziRussia #www3 #України #СлаваЗСУ
#славазсу #України #www3 #Nazirussia #nonegotiations #PutinHitler #nafoverified #PutinIsaWarCriminal #russianinvasion #Disinformation #disinfodispenser #fightingfordemocracy #zelensky #Zelenskiy #zelenskyy #ComeBackAlive #острівзміїний #RussiaIsATerroristState #UkraineWillWin #CancelRussia #StandWithUkraine #Ukraine #NAFO #nafoexpansionisnotnegotiable #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #славаукраїні #personoftheyear #psyop #infowar #fellas #NAFOfellas #nafogram
RT @walter_report@twitter.com
russian nuclear-capable long-range strategic bombers in #Engels airbase are on fire.
#BlackBox #ComeBackAlive #russianLosses
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/walter_report/status/1599686634219315200
#russianlosses #ComeBackAlive #blackbox #Engels
War is violent. Deleterious. Its purpose often remains unclear. Inglorious, even. When one side - hoping to break stoic resolve - scorns the rules of armed conflict - deploys psychological tactics to terrorise civilians of the other side.
#RussiaCommitsGenocide #UkraineUnderAttack #RussianInvasion #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #heavyWeaponsForUkraine #helpUkraineWin #RussiaIsATerroristState #MriyaReport #ukrainianvoices #comebackalive #Ukraine
#Ukraine #ComeBackAlive #ukrainianvoices #mriyareport #RussiaIsATerroristState #helpukrainewin #heavyweaponsforukraine #ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine #russianinvasion #UkraineUnderAttack #russiacommitsgenocide
War is violent. Deleterious. Its purpose often remains unclear. Inglorious, even. When one side - hoping to break stoic resolve - scorns the rules of armed conflict - deploys psychological tactics to terrorise civilians of the other side.
#RussiaCommitsGenocide #UkraineUnderAttack #RussianInvasion #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #heavyWeaponsForUkraine #helpUkraineWin #RussiaIsATerroristState #MriyaReport #ukrainianvoices #comebackalive #Ukraine
#Ukraine #ComeBackAlive #ukrainianvoices #mriyareport #RussiaIsATerroristState #helpukrainewin #heavyweaponsforukraine #ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine #russianinvasion #UkraineUnderAttack #russiacommitsgenocide
@ModelUki2 It gives me hope when Ukrainians still have a sense of humor. We all know the fierce fight against Russia is important, but so is maintaining other emotions. I give money most weeks to help you Ukrainians defend yourselves, which means you have to kill Russians, but I also feel sadness at all the killing you are forced to experience. You deserve joy - and humor! #MriyaAid #comebackalive
@abbystein Sent a little money to Ukraine via #comebackalive to help Ukraine, led by brave President Zelensky, battle the genocidal, anti-Semitic Russian invaders. They have been purchasing armored vehicles (11) recently to help Ukraine's soldiers stay safe. #HeroimSlava
Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦
#MriyaReport #Ukrainianstrength #Ukraine #UkrainePolandStandUnited #StandWithUkraine️ #CrimeaIsUkraine #UkraineIsWinning #UkraineWillWin #MriyaAid #ComeBackAlive #Zelenskyy #zelenskiy #zelensky #fightingfordemocracy #DisinfoDispenser #Disinformation #ucrania #nafogram #SlavaUcrainea #slavaukraini #ukrainio #ukraniansoldiers #UkrainePolandStandUnited #NAFOfellas #Fellas #Infowar #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable #NAFOExpansionIsNotNegotiable #NAFO #peacethroughstrength
#peacethroughstrength #NAFO #nafoexpansionisnotnegotiable #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #infowar #fellas #NAFOfellas #ukraniansoldiers #ukrainio #SlavaUkraini #slavaucrainea #nafogram #ucrania #Disinformation #disinfodispenser #fightingfordemocracy #zelensky #Zelenskiy #zelenskyy #ComeBackAlive #mriyaaid #UkraineWillWin #ukraineiswinning #CrimeaisUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ukrainepolandstandunited #Ukraine #ukrainianstrength #mriyareport
Pointers for how to discuss the war in Ukraine without coming across as ignorant.
#nafogram #NAFOfellas #Fella #Infowar #Psyop #Anticorruption #Democracy #RuleofLaw #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable #NAFOExpansionIsNotNegotiable #NAFO #Ukraine #UkrainePolandStandUnited #StandWithUkraine️ #CrimeaIsUkraine #UkraineIsWinning #UkraineWillWin #MriyaReport #MriyaAid #ComeBackAlive #Zelenskyy #zelenskiy #zelensky #fightingfordemocracy #DisinfoDispenser #Disinformation #ucrania #ukrainianstrength
#ukrainianstrength #ucrania #Disinformation #disinfodispenser #fightingfordemocracy #zelensky #Zelenskiy #zelenskyy #ComeBackAlive #mriyaaid #mriyareport #UkraineWillWin #ukraineiswinning #CrimeaisUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ukrainepolandstandunited #Ukraine #NAFO #nafoexpansionisnotnegotiable #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #ruleoflaw #Democracy #anticorruption #psyop #infowar #fella #NAFOfellas #nafogram
@uanews@botsin.space I may be an idealist on mastodon, but I bet I've donated more money to Ukraine via #comebackalive #ukraineaidops and #mriyaaid etc. than Matthew Iglesias. Haven't we learned not to trust pundits and tankies like that Samuel Charen dude at Rand who wants Ukraine to sue for peace? I'm for underdogs who never give up. #SlavaUkraini ##HeroimSlava
#ComeBackAlive #ukraineaidops #mriyaaid #SlavaUkraini #heroimslava
Ukraine’s national anthem,
by Yo-Yo Ma, along with Emanuel Ax and Leonidas Kavakos
#StandWithUkraine #worldpeace #comebackalive #antiwar #lifematter
#lifematter #antiwar #ComeBackAlive #worldpeace #StandWithUkraine
Everyone has to do something. Yo-Yo Ma
WASHINGTON — A famous musician, Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, took time to perform outside the Russian Embassy in a show of peace.
#worldpeace #StandWithUkraine #makeastatement #ComeBackAlive
#ComeBackAlive #makeastatement #StandWithUkraine #worldpeace
Coursera is suspending all business in Russia.
Coursera is partnering with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to offer Coursera for Campus for free to all Ukrainian higher education institutions and their students.
#coursera #StandWithUkraine #boycottRussia #supportUkraine #ComeBackAlive #antiwar #worldpeace #StopPutinNOW
#StopPutinNOW #worldpeace #antiwar #ComeBackAlive #supportUkraine #boycottRussia #StandWithUkraine #coursera
People book Airbnb as a direct donation to help Ukrainian
#becreative #bedirect #help #airbnb #StandWithUkrain #ComeBackAlive #antiwar #StopPutinNOW
#StopPutinNOW #antiwar #ComeBackAlive #StandWithUkrain #airbnb #help #bedirect #becreative
Can you imagine, two cruise missiles, dozens killed,
This is the price of freedom.
We are fighting, just for our land, despite the fact that all of our cities are blocked, that nobody is going to enter and intervene.
#StandWithUkraine #whenUkraineDown #europeanCountriesWillBeNext #helpUkraineFightRussia #NowOrNever #comebackalive
#ComeBackAlive #NowOrNever #helpUkraineFightRussia #europeanCountriesWillBeNext #whenUkraineDown #StandWithUkraine
Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, #mykhailoFedorov, is reaching out to #techgiant to get their help to assist #ukraine fighting the #war started by #russia #putin
He’s behind the keyboard, but he’s not hiding, he’s still working and it works!
Starlink — here. Thanks, #elonmusk
#StandWithUkraine #comebackalive
#ComeBackAlive #StandWithUkraine #elonmusk #putin #Russia #war #ukraine #techgiant #MykhailoFedorov
Trump’s sad that German raised Russia
#feedthemonster #monster #StandWithUkraine #comebackalive
#ComeBackAlive #StandWithUkraine #monster #feedthemonster
No war pleaseeeeee
#ukraine #war #putin #nowarplease #adreyrublev #StandWithUkraine #ComebackAlive #worldpeace
#worldpeace #ComeBackAlive #StandWithUkraine #adreyrublev #nowarplease #putin #war #ukraine