#ComeToDaddy Norval reunites with estranged father at a remote beach house but things turn violent. When Dad dies things aren’t as they appear. Sins of the father revisited. Privileged. Money. Kidnappings. Torture. Poo pen. Swingers. Psychos. Looking for loves not easy. Original.
'Come to Daddy' (2020) Review: The Hunt for Raisin Eyes http://hub.me/anjnm Ant Thompson's directorial debut, Come to Daddy, starring Elijah Wood, Stephen McHattie, Garfield Wilson, Madeleine Sami, Martin Donovan, and Michael Smiley is now available on demand and is playing in select theaters. #CometoDaddy #moviereview #ElijahWood #StephenMcHattie #GarfieldWilson #MichaelSmiley #AntThompson #thriller #comedy #horror #Movies #SabanFilms #nowplaying #newrelease #streaming #ondemand
#CometoDaddy #moviereview #elijahwood #StephenMcHattie #GarfieldWilson #MichaelSmiley #AntThompson #thriller #comedy #horror #movies #sabanfilms #nowplaying #newrelease #streaming #ondemand