#Comirnaty: EMA raccomanda l’approvazione del #vaccino #COVID19 adattato contro Omicron XBB.1.5
📌 Il vaccino sarà utilizzato negli adulti e nei bambini a partire dai 6 mesi.
📌 gli adulti e i bambini di età = o > 5 anni devono ricevere un’unica dose, a prescindere da un eventuale precedente ciclo vaccinale
📌 I bambini di età compresa tra 6m e 4a possono ricevere una oppure tre dosi, se abbiano completato il ciclo di vaccinazione primaria o avuto COVID-19.
#Comirnaty #vaccino #COVID19 #unosalute
EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has recommended authorising an adapted #Comirnaty #vaccine targeting the Omicron XBB.1.5 subvariant for preventing #COVID19 in adults and children from 6mo of age.
Adults and children from 5 yrs who require vaccination should have a single dose, irrespective of their COVID-19 vaccination history.
Children from 6mo-4yrs may have 1 or 3 doses depending on whether they have completed a primary vaccination course or have had COVID-19.
Germany: BioNTech COVID vaccine damages trial begins
#coronavirus #Comirnaty #BioNTech #COVID-19 #Coronavirusvaccine
#CoronaVirusVaccine #covid #Biontech #Comirnaty #Coronavirus
Der 2. BA5/4 #Booster hatte mich ausgeknockt. Die Body Batterie lud selbst nachts nicht mehr. Nun ist alles wieder im Lot.
#covidisnotoveryet #COVID19 #Comirnaty #impfung
#booster #covidisnotoveryet #COVID19 #Comirnaty #impfung
Ach übrigens: Seit Freitag bin ich zum 5. Mal gegen #Covid geimpft und habe damit jetzt auch das letzte #Omikron-Update intus. Der #Impfstoff ist gleichzeitig auch #Booster für die früheren Impfungen. #Impfreaktionen: Keine, nicht mal der Arm tut weh.
#covid #Omikron #impfstoff #booster #impfreaktionen #corona #Comirnaty
@pivoinebleue While Pfizer didn't even develop an own vaccine - they're just reproducing Germany's Biontech-developed vaccines.
So there's no reason to claim horrendous development costs falsely justifying monstrous price hikes.
What there is instead is self-managed greed & medical highway robbery.
#SaveLives #COVID #Vaccines #CrisisProfiteering #Comirnaty #Biontech #Pfizer
#savelives #COVID #vaccines #crisisprofiteering #Comirnaty #biontech #pfizer
Sostienici Tutti noi di Eventi Avversi News vogliamo che siate sempre aggiornati. La nostra missione non è solo quella di tenere i riflettori accesi, noi vogliamo fornirvi i migliori contenuti. Se apprezzate il nostro lavoro e volete sostenerci, potete farlo con una libera donazione.
La circolar...
#14Gennaio #Cronaca #Ba.4eBa.5 #bambini #Comirnaty
#Comirnaty #bambini #ba #cronaca #14gennaio
五个城市的在华常住德籍公民 将可接种复必泰mRNA新冠疫苗了
2022-12-22 第一财经
12月22日晚间,复星医药(600196.SH,02196.HK)和BioNTech SE(下称"BioNTech")共同宣布,由两家公司供应的约1.15万复必泰mRNA新冠疫苗,已于2022年12月21日运抵中国北京,具体包括针对Omicron BA.4/BA.5变异株的复必泰二价疫苗和复必泰单价疫苗BNT162b2。
BioNTech首席业务及商务官Sean Marett表示,“非常感谢中德两国政府的共同努力和支持,帮助我们为在华常住德籍公民提供复必泰单价疫苗和复必泰二价疫苗。随着疫苗运抵中国北京,对于BioNTech以及我们的合作伙伴复星医药来说,这是在抗击新冠疫情路上的又一个重要里程碑。”
复必泰二价疫苗是已上市复必泰BNT162b2的迭代和补充,复必泰二价疫苗含有15微克原始新冠病毒刺突蛋白的mRNA编码以及15微克Omicron BA.4/BA.5变异株刺突蛋白的mRNA编码。
#复星 #复必泰 #BioNTech #辉瑞 #Pfizer #Comirnaty #疫苗 #eua
Transparenz bei Impfstoffherstellern? Fehlanzeige!
Pfizer CEO Bourla lehnt (zum zweiten Mal) eine Anhörung im Sonderausschuss COVID des EU-Parlaments ab. Dabei sollte es nicht nur um ungeklärte Fragen zu Zulassungsstudien gehen, sondern auch um seine weiterhin geheimgehaltene Kommunikation mit Frau Leyen zu milliarden-schweren Impfstoff-Deals.
Zusammen mit den geleakten Knebel- und Geheimverträgen ergibt sich hier ein Bild der Impfstoff-Industrie, das an Organisationen aus Sizilien erinnert.
#Bourla #leyen #Comirnaty #covid #Pfizer #MEZIS
No, you cannot be forced to take the newly “approved” #Comirnaty covid #vaccine from #Pfizer https://bit.ly/no-forced-comirnaty-covid-vaccine-from-pfizer
No, you cannot be forced to take the newly “approved” #Comirnaty covid #vaccine from #Pfizer https://bit.ly/no-forced-comirnaty-covid-vaccine-from-pfizer
Nein, #Pfizer hat nicht zugegeben, dass der #Corona-#Impfstoff #Comirnaty nicht schützt
#fakenewserwischt #pfizer #corona #impfstoff #Comirnaty
#Vaccination edition of "Gotta have it both ways" (an obscure german comedy reference that doesn't translate well into english :-)).
Just got the #Coronavirus #booster vaccination by Moderna (#comirnaty vs. #wildtype & #BA4/#BA5) in one arm and the current #influenca quad-vaccination in the other (#InflusplitTetra2022-2023)
Vaccination? Get 'er done.
#vaccination #coronavirus #booster #Comirnaty #wildtype #BA4 #influenca #influsplittetra2022 #SarsCoV2
EMA has published #ClinicalData supporting the authorisation of the adapted #Comirnaty #COVID19vaccine targeting the #Omicron subvariant BA.1.
#ClinicalData #Comirnaty #COVID19vaccine #omicron
📢Just published ❗️ - #ClinicalData supporting the use of #Comirnaty as a #BoosterDose for children aged 5 to 11 are now available.
#ClinicalData #Comirnaty #boosterdose
RT @EMA_News: EMA has published #ClinicalData supporting the authorisation of the adapted #Comirnaty #COVID19vaccine targeting the #Omicron subvariant BA.1.
#ClinicalData #Comirnaty #COVID19vaccine #omicron
RT @EMA_News: EMA has published #ClinicalData supporting the authorisation of the adapted #Comirnaty #COVID19vaccine targeting the #Omicron subvariant BA.1.
#ClinicalData #Comirnaty #COVID19vaccine #omicron
RT @EMA_News: 📢Just published ❗️ - #ClinicalData supporting the use of #Comirnaty as a #BoosterDose for children aged 5 to 11 are now available.
#ClinicalData #Comirnaty #boosterdose
RT @EMA_News: 📢Just published ❗️ - #ClinicalData supporting the use of #Comirnaty as a #BoosterDose for children aged 5 to 11 are now available.
#ClinicalData #Comirnaty #boosterdose