Thanks in part to great suggestions I've had over the last couple days about making my Mastodon experience even better, I'm following a bunch of folks from #lawfedi #philosophy and #CommStudies. Just sayin in case I look like some kinda crazy follow-bot. I use hashtags to post on and track topics I'm interested in. Follow back if any of these are your gigs:
#lawfedi #philosophy #CommStudies #lawprofs #argumentation #legalphilosophy #legalwriting #teamrhetoric #writingstudies #TechComm #section508
Let’s be sure to toot about #nca2022 #Rhetodan #TeamRhetoric #CommStudies #Communication. Also, if anyone wants to meet up in NO… I’m here!
#nca2022 #rhetodan #teamrhetoric #CommStudies #communication
Off to #NCA22 today! #Rhetodon #CommStudies #rhetoric #TeamRhetoric
#NCA22 #Rhetodon #CommStudies #rhetoric #teamrhetoric
I guess I should do a proper introduction! Hi everyone, I’m Jesse.
I’m a #PhDstudent in #CommStudies researching #Christians who practice #polyamory. I’m broadly interested in studying marginalized relationships and gender identities through critical frameworks. #CriticalTheory #QueerTheory #CulturalStudies #ReligiousStudies
I love #SciFi/#Fantasy stories, #ClassicalMusic, #HeavyMetal, #history, and culture. Also animals: give me your #dogs and #cats and #reptiles.
#phdstudent #CommStudies #Christians #polyamory #criticaltheory #queertheory #culturalstudies #ReligiousStudies #scifi #classicalmusic #heavymetal #history #dogs #cats #reptiles
I guess I have to do an #Introduction. I’m new to Mastodon. I’m a prof writing and speaking about #race, #rhetoric, #CulturalStudies, #Marx, and other ideas. #Communication #CommStudies #TeamRhetoric. I also tweet about world politics, travel, and sports. I’m headed to #NewOrleans and #Belize next!
#introduction #race #rhetoric #culturalstudies #Marx #communication #CommStudies #teamrhetoric #NewOrleans #belize
What’s the #CommStudies or #TeamRhetoric tag over here #Commodon #Rhetodon… both sound like awesome animals! 🦣
#CommStudies #teamrhetoric #commodon #Rhetodon
I’m here! Hoping to connect with people working on and in #lawprofs #TeamRhetoric #CommStudies #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #Debate #Marx #Marxism working on my profile!
#lawprofs #teamrhetoric #CommStudies #blacklivesmatter #BlackHistory #debate #Marx #marxism