`spacer` is a command line tool to add “spacers” when command output stops.
#devex #console #productivity #tools #CommandLine
Dans un même dossier, j'ai toutes les installations de #Dolibarr depuis la v12.
J'ai juste voulu trouver le nom de tous les modèles pdf existants par défaut pour, de mon côté, trouver les spécifications des clients. Facile, en fait 🙃
Linux Commands - A practical reference
YouPlot is a command line tool to draw graphs on the terminal
#tools #DevEx #plotting #graph #histogram #libraries #CommandLine #cli #console #YouPlot #plot
#tools #devex #plotting #graph #histogram #libraries #CommandLine #cli #console #youplot #plot
GitHub - wireservice/csvkit: A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
#python #csv #csvfile #CommandLine
Getting Started with Vim: Luke Reynolds gives you a step-by-step introduction to this powerful command-line editor https://www.fosslife.org/beginners-guide-vim #Vim #vi #TextEditor #Linux #tools #CommandLine #OpenSource
#opensource #CommandLine #tools #Linux #TextEditor #vi #vim
Mindmap of all linux command sortes by type 🤓
LINUX Commands - Xmind - Mind Mapping App
#cli #CommandLine #linux #linuxcommands #mindmap
policy is a CLI for building OPA policies into OCI images.
#policy #OPA #CLI #tools #Kubernetes #infra #security #rbac #role #policy #CommandLine #apps
#policy #opa #cli #tools #kubernetes #infra #security #RBAC #role #CommandLine #apps
#link: GitHub - atye/ttchat: Twitch chats in the terminal https://link.hostux.net/shaare/FXwbBw https://github.com/atye/ttchat #Twitch #CommandLine #Chat #Cli
#link #twitch #CommandLine #chat #cli
#link: FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog https://link.hostux.net/shaare/PATNqA https://img.ly/blog/ultimate-guide-to-ffmpeg/ #FFmpeg #HowTo #CommandLine
#link #ffmpeg #howto #CommandLine
If you use `zsh`, you need OhMyZsh
#zsh #shell #CommandLine #devex #tools
Script within a script: Sandra Henry-Stocker shows you how to use Bash functions to run Linux commands https://www.fosslife.org/using-bash-functions-run-linux-commands #tools #Bash #OpenSource #scripting #Linux #FOSS #CommandLine
#CommandLine #foss #Linux #scripting #opensource #Bash #tools
#link: Welcome to Linux command line for you and me! — Linux command line for you and me 0.1 documentation https://lym.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html #commandline
#link: Nala: A Beautiful and Structured Frontend for the APT Command https://trendoceans.com/nala-package-manager/ #commandline #apt
Learn about alternative tools to deprecated #Linux commands https://www.fosslife.org/alternatives-deprecated-linux-commands #tools #CommandLine #security #commands #egrep #fgrep #nslookup #ifconfig #netstat #route #flags #ip
#ip #flags #route #netstat #ifconfig #nslookup #fgrep #egrep #commands #security #CommandLine #tools #Linux
Seth Kenlon explains the Linux cheat command https://www.fosslife.org/linux-cheat-command #Linux #OpenSource #cheat #utility #search #CommandLine #FOSS
#foss #CommandLine #search #utility #cheat #opensource #Linux
Discover 20 one-line commands to streamline your Linux tasks https://buff.ly/3dtqvKA #sysadmin #Linux #commands #CommandLine #terminal
#terminal #CommandLine #commands #Linux #sysadmin
Fun with Linux: Don Watkins shows you seven fun commands to play around with https://buff.ly/3xnxjSO #Linux #CommandLine #tools #sysadmin #fireplace #fortune #lolcat
#lolcat #fortune #fireplace #sysadmin #tools #CommandLine #Linux
A little development environment in vim and tmux
I've been doing a little project and took a moment to get a bit better at using tmux.
Every time I go into this project I set up some splits. A main window where I'll edit files using vim, then I split a pane off to run the code or test suite on every save. Another split where I pip install after any changes to my req
#commandline #tmux #vim