RT @iasc_commons
The Conceptualizing the Atmospheric Moisture Recycling Commons panel discussion with Moderator @watersecurity featuring individuals that presented pre-recorded talks at http://2021anthropocene.iasc-commons.org starts in 30 mins! Don’t miss out! #CommoningAnthropocene
RT @iasc_commons
There are still some open spots! April 22 at 7 am (UTC-7) for the Pattern Language of Commoning/Relationized Property Workshop presented by @commonify Silke Helfrich
Register now!! Don't miss out! http://2021anthropocene.iasc-commons.org
RT @iasc_commons
Join us April 22 at 7 am (UTC-7) for the Pattern Language of Commoning/Relationized Property Workshop presented by @commonify
Register now at http://2021anthropocene.iasc-commons.org/ !!
RT @iasc_commons
Register now for the 'Pattern Language of Commoning' Workshop with Silke Helfrich @commonify during the Commoning the Anthropocene Conference. Apr 22, 7am (UTC-7). Limited capacity! Don't miss out! https://iasc-commons.wildapricot.org/event-4250382 #CommoningAnthropocene
RT @JuliaTschersich
Our special session on #SeedCommons: The transformative potential of #Commoning for enhancing the sustainability of seed systems“ has been accepted at the #CommoningAnthropocene conference of @iasc_commons. Register for the #iasc2021 and join us: https://bit.ly/2Q12kKU
#SeedCommons #commoning #CommoningAnthropocene #iasc2021