#DraconianCAA allows Hindus, Sikh etc without docs
Anyone can fake their identity
But for BJP you just need to prove you are Islamaphobic to get Statizenship
#CABtoHell #CommunalBill #MajoritarianPolitics #DraconianCAA
Appropriating Ambedkar, Gandhi, Patel are just diversionary & normalization tactics
The real inspirations are Savarkars, Gowalkars, Godses
#CABAgainstConstitution #CommunalBill
Sangh have unleashed a monster
To devour India
Hope it devours them instead
#CABtoHell #NRCfiasco #CommunalBill
Gujarat Model in top gear
Now in India
CAB was always on communal BJP's agenda
It's the so-called secular parties that buckled under power
(via @cartoonist_PM)
#CABAgainstConstitution #CommunalBill
It may be in the fine print
But it was staring right at you, YOU FOOLS
(via @sajithkumar)
#RejectCitizenshipAmendmentBill #CommunalBill
Remember two dual objectives of BJP
- disenfranchise & dehumanize minorities
- disenfranchise under/unprivileged (not their core vote bank)
(via @sanitarypanels)
#RejectCitizenshipAmendmentBill #RejectNRC #CommunalBill
Lotuses grow in mud
BJP wants to grow its lotuses on live people
#RejectCitizenshipAmendmentBill #CommunalBill
#NRC #CitizenshipAmendmentBill
Remember these are BJP sponsored deeply #CommunalBill
Not only create deep sense of alienation among minorities (espc Muslims), but also an effective tool of disenfranchising the underprivileged
Reject it
(via Subhani, Deccan Chronicle)
#nrc #CitizenshipAmendmentBill #CommunalBill